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Commentary By Kyle Kondik

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August 18, 2022

The Gubernatorial Races: Look to the West By Kyle Kondik

The most question marks about 2022 lie west of the Mississippi; rating changes in MD, NY, OR.


— The 5 governorships we see as Toss-ups are all located west of the eastern time zone: Arizona, Kansas, Nevada, Wisconsin, and — now — Oregon.

— The large number of incumbents running this year may limit the number of governorships that change hands.

— Democrats continue to have the 2 clearest pickups, the open seats in Maryland and Massachusetts. However, Democrats also are defending 4 of the 5 Toss-ups.

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August 4, 2022

Reassessing the Race for the Senate By Kyle Kondik

GOP challengers mirror Trump in lack of experience; for Democrats, experience means a record.


— In an election where Republicans are banking on the environment while Democrats are banking on differences in candidate quality, Republicans are relying on a very inexperienced group of candidates.

— Compared to 2014, the last time Republicans flipped the Senate, the party’s non-incumbent candidates are incredibly green.

— Democrats, meanwhile, are running a number of incumbents and current officeholders in competitive races, although holding office, in many instances, comes with a voting record that opponents can exploit.

— The quality of candidates on the Republican side is such an issue that we think the race for the Senate majority is basically a Toss-up.

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July 28, 2022

House Rating Changes: More Movement Toward Republicans By Kyle Kondik

10 changes, all but 1 in favor of GOP.


— We are making 10 House rating changes, 9 of which benefit Republicans.

— Our overall best guess at the net change in the House — a GOP gain somewhere in the 20s — remains unchanged.

— We don’t see a huge impact, so far, from the Supreme Court’s landmark abortion opinion.

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June 30, 2022

Notes on the State of the Primaries By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

Before we get to our takeaways from yesterday’s primaries, a quick pit stop in the Ocean State is in order.

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June 23, 2022

Notes on the State of Politics By Kyle Kondik

House rating changes in Virginia, California, and Alaska

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June 9, 2022

How the House Landscape Changed: A mild decline in competitive seats, and a spike in safe Republican ones by Kyle Kondik


-- The new House landscape is fairly similar to the old one.

-- However, there is a notable increase in the number of super-safe Republican seats -- and a modest decline in the overall number of competitive districts.

-- New Hampshire, the final state to complete redistricting, kept its old map basically intact, which means the state should feature a couple of competitive races.

-- Now that redistricting appears to be complete for 2022, we have brought back our traditional House rating tables, which are available at the bottom of this article and at our Crystal Ball House page.

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May 26, 2022

Redistricting: The Overall Picture, Plus a Look at NY and MO By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

Median House seat will still sit a couple of points to the right of the nation


— With the national House map nearly complete, it appears that the overall map still leans toward Republicans.

— However, this GOP bias is not nearly as strong as it was a decade ago.

— We rate and analyze the new Missouri and New York congressional maps.

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May 12, 2022

The Kinds of Seats that Flip in Midterms By Kyle Kondik

Looking back on past recent waves to assess Republicans’ potential in November.


— While increasingly salient issues like abortion could change the political environment, Republicans still appear on track for a strong showing in the U.S. House.

— Recent midterms have hollowed out the presidential party’s holdings of districts where the president either did the same or worse than he did nationally or only a little better.

— Republicans likely will have trouble winning districts where Joe Biden won more than 55% of the vote, but that still leaves them dozens of Democratic-held targets below that mark as redistricting is finalized.

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May 5, 2022

How Abortion Might Motivate or Persuade Voters in the Midterms By Kyle Kondik, Larry Schack, and Mick McWilliams

Project Home Fire data reveal partisan attitudes on abortion.


— The end of Roe vs. Wade could potentially give Democrats a better chance to motivate their own voters and/or persuade Republican-leaning swing voters.

— Public opinion on abortion is nuanced, although more are likelier to take the pro-abortion rights side on a couple of key questions.

— It’s unclear whether abortion opinions would outweigh the public’s opinions about other issues where Democrats are vulnerable.

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April 21, 2022

Notes on the State of the Senate By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

The overall picture for November, and the looming primaries in May.

The small stuff versus the big stuff

There is a push and pull in the race for control of the U.S. Senate between the big picture electoral environment, which clearly benefits Republicans, and the day-to-day developments on the campaign trail, which do not always clearly benefit Republicans.

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April 14, 2022

Trump-District House Democrats Could Become Extinct This November By Kyle Kondik

How redistricting has altered the number of “crossover” districts.


— The number of “crossover” districts — those won by different parties for president and House — has generally been declining over time.

— Under the current congressional district lines, there were only 16 crossover districts in 2020, with Republicans winning 9 Biden-won seats and Democrats winning 7 Trump-won seats.

— Based on the new district lines, and with a few states still outstanding, there are currently 16 incumbents running in districts that their party did not win for president: 11 Republicans in Biden seats and 5 Democrats in Trump seats.

— The Democrats may not hold a single Trump district next year, and the Republicans very well could hold many more Biden-won seats.

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April 7, 2022

Sarah Palin’s Surprising and Possibly Historic Run for the House By Kyle Kondik

How a victory would set her apart from other unsuccessful postwar VP candidates.


— 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin surprised the political world when she announced a run to replace the late Don Young in Alaska’s at-large U.S. House seat.

— It’s not unusual for VP losers to subsequently win elected office, although in recent decades that has meant simply winning reelection to the job they held prior to being named to a presidential ticket.

— If Palin wins, she will set an obscure historical marker for unsuccessful postwar VP nominees.

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March 31, 2022

The Politics of the Nation’s Fastest-Growing Counties By Kyle Kondik

Trends help illuminate how their states have changed over the past decade, particularly in Florida and Texas.


— The U.S. Census Bureau recently reported changes in population from 2020 to 2021.

— While the headline findings mainly dealt with population declines, a number of places (particularly in the Sun Belt) are still experiencing substantial growth.

— A little more than 5 dozen counties with at least 100,000 residents grew by 3% or more from April 2020 to July 2021. These counties are spread across 20 states.

— Almost all of these counties vote Republican for president, although GOP presidential performance has eroded in many of them.

— Nearly half of these counties are in Florida and Texas, and the differing presidential trends in these fast-growing counties help illustrate the changing political trajectory of each state.

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March 17, 2022

Gas Prices and Presidential Approval By Kyle Kondik

There is some connection historically, but that connection is getting weaker.


— President Joe Biden and his party are struggling amidst myriad challenges, including high gas prices. Gas prices have spiked in recent weeks following the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

— There is some association between higher gas prices and lower presidential approval, although the connection is not particularly strong.

— This association has been weaker over the past decade than it was previously.

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January 20, 2022

Five Warning Signs for Biden as He Marks First Anniversary in Office By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

Reviewing Biden's (and Democrats') numbers after a turbulent first year.


— As Joe Biden marks a year in office, he has found himself in a perilous position, and there are no obvious signs of improvement.

— Among Biden’s challenges is an apparently weakened position among nonwhite voters as well as younger voters, two immensely important pillars of the Democratic coalition.

— Inflation has re-emerged as an important problem for what appears to be the first time in decades, and Biden has work to do to persuade the public that he’s taking it seriously.

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January 13, 2022

House Republicans’ Drive to 35 By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

What it would take for the GOP to build its biggest majority since the Great Depression?


— With some key national factors seemingly in their favor, Republicans could win a healthy majority in the House in 2022 — perhaps even their biggest in nearly a century.

— However, compared to past Republican midterm wave cycles, specifically 1994 and 2010, Republicans probably have less room for growth.

— As a majority of states have enacted new maps, we can chart out what a banner night for House Republicans may look like.

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December 9, 2021

Incumbency vs. Environment in 2022’s Gubernatorial Races Rating changes in four races by Kyle Kindik and J. Miles Coleman


-- Amid a promising national environment for Republicans, we are changing ratings in 4 gubernatorial contests -- 3 of which are in the GOP’s favor.

-- The power of gubernatorial incumbency will be tested in 2022, both by a plethora of Republican primary challengers to sitting GOP governors and, for Democrats, by the national political climate in next year’s general election.

-- This election will feature a relatively high number of incumbents running for reelection compared to many previous midterm years (midterms are when the bulk of the gubernatorial elections are held).

-- Despite playing defense in many vulnerable races across the country, Democrats have the 2 clearest gubernatorial pickup opportunities.

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December 2, 2021

A Tale of Two Midwestern Gerrymanders: Illinois and Ohio by Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman


-- Gerrymanders by Democrats in Illinois and Republicans in Ohio seek to build upon their dominance of their respective states.

-- The Ohio Supreme Court could intervene against the GOP gerrymander there, which perhaps helps explain why Republicans were not as aggressive as they could have been, even though Republicans can reasonably hope that the map they drew will perform for them as intended.

-- Massachusetts Democrats and Oklahoma Republicans also recently finalized maps that should allow both to maintain their monopolies on House seats in their respective states.

-- Gov. Charlie Baker’s (R-MA) retirement pushes the Massachusetts gubernatorial race from Likely Republican all the way to Likely Democratic.

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November 18, 2021

Six Decades of Regional Change in House Elections By Kyle Kondik

The GOP edge in the South, already large, could grow in 2022.


— The Greater South used to be the key cog in Democratic House majorities; now it is the region that allows Republicans to win majorities.

— Democrats’ dominance on the West Coast and Northeast have allowed them to win majorities even as they have fallen further behind in the Greater South.

— The Republican edge in the Greater South should only grow in 2022.

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October 21, 2021

The California Recall: Looking Under the Hood as Vote Count Finalized By Kyle Kondik and J. Miles Coleman

Are there any lessons for elections to come?


— The vote count in California is finally done, and there were some noticeable trends in the results.

— While the recall election largely lined up with the 2018 gubernatorial result, some notable changes are evident when comparing last month’s vote to other recent statewide races.

— That the Democrats performed very well in that race even in the midst of Joe Biden’s still ongoing slide in popularity is an interesting data point, but it’s just a single one that may not be confirmed by looming statewide races in more competitive states, such as Virginia.