MT Senate: Tester By Nine
The latest Rasmussen Reports election survey in Montana shows Democrat Jon Tester leading incumbent Republican Sen. Conrad Burns 52% to 43%. The candidates were tied at 47% in August’s survey.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election survey in Montana shows Democrat Jon Tester leading incumbent Republican Sen. Conrad Burns 52% to 43%. The candidates were tied at 47% in August’s survey.
As political observers dissect every jolt and twitch of Connecticut's competitive U.S. Senate race, Republican Governor Jodi Rell continues to enjoy an enviable lead in the state's relatively uneventful and unremarked gubernatorial contest.
New Mexico Gov. Bill Richardson is poised to cruise to a second term according to the most recent survey. Switching to the Senate, incumbent Sen. Jeff Bingaman (D) is maintaining a comfortable lead over Republican challenger Allen McCulloch, 56% to 32%.
In Ohio's edge-of-seat Senate race, Democratic challenger Sherrod Brown now claims a six-point lead of 47% to 41% over Republican Senator Mike DeWine.
The battle for control of the U.S. Senate is getting closer—much closer. Little more than a week ago, our Balance of Power summary showed the Republicans leading 50-45 with five states in the Toss-Up category.
Strict sanctions on employers who hire illegal immigrants is the most popular of four possible immigration reforms measured in a recent Rasmussen Reports survey.
In this fiercely competitive campaign, Democratic Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill now leads Republican Senator Jim Talent 45% to 42%.
Incumbent Republican Sen. George Allen’s ratings slide appears to have halted, but it’s too early to tell whether his campaign has reversed its course.
Seventy-seven percent (77%) of Americans believe that Iran is likely to develop nuclear weapons in the near future. Most doubt that anything can be done to prevent such a development.
For the second Rasmussen Reports survey in a row, Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter (D) enjoys a five-point margin over Representative Bob Beauprez (R) in the Colorado race for Governor.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Illinois shows incumbent Gov. Rod Blagojevich (D) leading State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka (R) 48% to 36%.
Our first election poll here since California's June 6 primaries shows the Democratic gubernatorial nominee, Phil Angelides, with a narrow lead of 46% to 44% over the incumbent.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Texas finds that Likely Voters now allocate their support as follows: Governor Rick Perry 33%, Chris Bell (D) 18%, Carole Keeton Strayhorn (I) 22%, Kinky Friedman (I) 16%.
Republican Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is one incumbent whose campaign seems unimpaired by the malaise afflicting the GOP this election year.
For the first time since May, State Attorney General Mike Beebe’s lead in the race for Arkansas governor is back to double digits.
The past five years have forced Americans to consider the tension between national security concerns and individual liberties in a new era of technology and against a new type of security threat.
Americans are evenly divided as to whether the war in Iraq is part of the larger War on Terror or a distraction from it. The latest Rasmussen Reports national opinion survey finds that 43% believe Iraq is part of the War on Terror while 44% disagree and view it as a distraction.
In California's competitive gubernatorial race, Republican Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger now leads Democratic challenger Phil Angelides 47% to 39%.
Incumbent Democratic Sen. Maria Cantwell now leads Republican challenger Mike McGavick 52% to 35%. She led by six in the previous poll.
After garnering support levels in the high 50s for the last several months, Democratic Senator Robert Byrd has pierced the 60% threshold in our polling to now lead Republican John Raese 63% to 30%.