26% of Baseball Fans Think Yankees will Win 2006 World Series
American baseball fans think the New York Yankees are most likely to win the 2006 World Series but the Detroit Tigers have more people pulling for them.
American baseball fans think the New York Yankees are most likely to win the 2006 World Series but the Detroit Tigers have more people pulling for them.
Discover Business Card released the results of the inaugural Discover® Small Business Watch (SM) today, a new monthly Index of economic confidence of the nation’s 22 million small businesses with five or fewer employees.
The Emmy winners have officially been announced. With Conan O’Brien as host, Sunday ’s award ceremony brought bouts of laughter and some Emmy surprises. Unfortunately for TV fans, most of their picks weren’t the winners.
Nearly 67% of owners of businesses with five or fewer employees are quite happy to have their companies remain small and 61% don’t expect to work for anyone else before they retire.
During the past several months, Democratic Congressman Ted Strickland's edge over Republican Secretary of State Ken Blackwell has ranged from four to seventeen percentage points.
Once again, the challenger in Ohio's highly competitive race for U.S. Senate has edged out the GOP incumbent in the Rasmussen Reports election poll. Democrat Sherrod Brown now leads Republican Senator Mike DeWine 45% to 42%.
This year’s Emmy actor and actress nominations spurred some surprising choices. Several actors were nominated for the first time, like Christopher Meloni ( Law & Order: SVU ), Denis Leary ( Rescue Me) , Peter Krause ( Six Feet Under ), Kevin James ( King of Queens ) and Charlie Sheen ( Two and a Half Men ). In the best actress in a drama category, Kyra Sedgwick ( The Closer ), Francis Conroy ( Six Feet Under ) and Geena Davis ( Commander in Chief ) also picked up their first nomination.
This year’s Emmy actor and actress nominations spurred some surprising choices. Several actors were nominated for the first time, like Christopher Meloni ( Law & Order: SVU ), Denis Leary ( Rescue Me) , Peter Krause ( Six Feet Under ), Kevin James ( King of Queens ) and Charlie Sheen ( Two and a Half Men ).
Not surprisingly, the Bible Belt region lives up to its name with states like Alabama, Arkansas, Tennessee and West Virginia containing the highest percentage of those who believe the Bible is literally true.
In his bid for reelection Democratic Governor Ed Rendell is maintaining a double-digit advantage over Republican Lynn Swann. He now leads the former Pittsburgh Steeler 50% to 38%.
After having lagged by as much as twenty-three percentage points this election season, Republican Senator Rick Santorum now trails Democrat Bob Casey, Jr. by only eight, 40% to 48%.
The decision of the judges will be heard on Sunday night, but TV fans think that Two and a Half Men should win the award for Best Comedy at the ceremony. Thirty-two percent (32%) of fans surveyed picked the CBS comedy starring Charlie Sheen and Pretty in Pink actor Jon Cryer.
For the past 57 years, the Emmy Awards have entertained audiences with a wide range of talented individuals—from hosts like Ellen DeGeneres and Dennis Miller to award winners such as Kelsey Grammer and Jennifer Aniston.
The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll in Washington shows Senator Maria Cantwell (D) leading challenger Mike McGavick (R) 46% to 40%.
Paramount Pictures will no longer be showing Tom Cruise any more money. The feature film organization and the Jerry Maguire star are officially separating in an unamicable split that the studio says is a result of Cruise’s off-screen behavior.
Today's Hillary Meter places the former First Lady a net 56 points to the left of the nation's political center. Two weeks ago, she was 55 points to the left of center, and a month ago 52 points to the left.
Election 2006 is the first election since the 9/11 terrorist attacks that has not been completely dominated by the War on Terror as a defining issue.
Last year some pundits argued that in Democratic-leaning Connecticut, the reelection of even a well-liked Republican incumbent like Governor Jodi Rell could not be taken for granted.
The Missouri Senate race remains one of the closest in the nation. The latest Rasmussen Reports election poll shows Senator Jim Talent (R) with 46% of the vote and Missouri State Auditor Claire McCaskill (D) at 44%.
Maine's competitive gubernatorial campaign has a caught-in-amber feeling to it, especially when it comes to support for Democratic Governor John Baldacci.