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August 4, 2004

Hudson Employment Index Rises to 2004 High

The Hudson Employment Index (SM) continued its ascent in July, reaching a record high of 108.4 for the year and surpassing all previous ratings for the second month in a row.

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August 4, 2004

Minnesota: Kerry 49% Bush 42%

In Minnesota, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows Senator Kerry with 49% of the vote and President Bush with 42%. That's two points closer than a month ago.

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August 3, 2004

California: Kerry 55% Bush 37%

In California, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey finds Senator John F. Kerry with an18-point lead over President George W. Bush, 55% to 37%. In Election 2000, Bush lost California to Al Gore by 11 points.

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August 3, 2004

Virginia: Bush 49% Kerry 46%

In Virginia, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows President Bush with 49% of the vote and Senator Kerry with 46%. In Election 2000, Bush won Virginia by nine percentage points, beating Al Gore 53% to 44%.

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August 3, 2004

Missouri: Bush 50% Kerry 46%

In Missouri, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows President Bush with 50% of the vote and Senator Kerry with 46%. Four years ago, Bush won the state of Missouri by a narrow 50% to 47% margin.

White letter R on blue background
August 3, 2004

North Carolina: Bush 53% Kerry 43%

The Bush-Cheney ticket is now enjoying its biggest lead of the year in North Carolina. The state may be home to the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, but its Electoral Votes look like they are once again heading into the Republican column.

White letter R on blue background
August 3, 2004

North Carolina: Bush 50% Kerry 45%

North Carolina may be home to the Democratic Vice Presidential nominee, but its Electoral Votes currently belong to the Republican ticket of George W. Bush and Dick Cheney.

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August 1, 2004

38% See Kerry as Politically Moderate

A Rasmussen Reports survey shows that, following the Democratic National Convention, 46% of voters believe that Senator John Kerry is politically liberal. That's up from 43% in a survey conducted just before Kerry's convention speech.

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August 1, 2004

51% Say Finishing Iraq Mission Top Priority

Fifty-one percent (51%) of American voters say that making sure Iraq becomes "a peaceful nation enjoying freedom and democracy" is more important than bringing home American soldiers right away.

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July 27, 2004

41% See Kerry as Politically Moderate

As John Kerry prepares to formally accept the Democratic Presidential nomination, 41% of likely voters see the Senator as politically moderate while 43% believe he is politically liberal.

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July 26, 2004

Clintons More Popular Than Other Party Leaders

Former President Bill Clinton and his wife, Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton, remain more popular than other party leaders as the 2004 Democratic National Convention begins.

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July 21, 2004

43% Say U.S. Safer Since 9/11

Forty-three percent (43%) of Americans now believe the U.S. is safer than it was before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. That's a seven-point improvement since our late-June survey. The earlier Rasmussen Reports survey was conducted on the two nights following the formal transfer of sovereignty to Iraq.

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July 21, 2004

17% Say US Would Be Safer If We Avoided War

Just 17% of voters believe the U.S. would be safer today if we had avoided the War with Iraq and left Saddam Hussein in power. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 47% take the opposite view and say that such a strategy would have made life in the U.S. more dangerous.

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July 20, 2004

51% Receive Equal Pay for Equal Work

Fifty-one percent (51%) of American workers say they receive equal pay for equal work, whereas 37% do not.

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July 17, 2004

Tennessee: Bush 49% Kerry 41%

In Tennessee, a Rasmussen Reports survey finds President George W. Bush leading Senator John F. Kerry 49% to 41%.

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July 16, 2004

46% Say Kerry Will Win

Regardless of who they plan to vote for, 46% of all voters now believe the Kerry-Edward team will win while 45% say the Bush-Cheney ticket will be re-elected.

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July 13, 2004

Movies and Politics

Two surprising movies this year have drawn entirely different audiences to the theatre.

Fahrenheit 9-11, Michael Moore's entry into the election debate, has an audience that is 47% liberal, 26% moderate, and 25% conservative. The audience for Mel Gibson's Passion of Christ is 51% conservative, 27% moderate, and 21% liberal.

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July 12, 2004

Arkansas: Kerry 46% Bush 45%

In Arkansas, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows Senator Kerry with 46% of the vote and President Bush with 45%.

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July 12, 2004

South Carolina: Bush 53% Kerry 36%

In South Carolina, the latest Rasmussen Reports survey shows President Bush with 53% of the vote and Senator Kerry with 36%.