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March 12, 2024

Election 2024: Abortion Issue Less Important to Voters Than Economy, Immigration

Eight months before the presidential election, economic issues and immigration matter more to voters than abortion.

March 11, 2024

Most Democrats Don’t Want Congress to Certify Election if Trump Wins

After the Supreme Court rejected attempts to disqualify former President Donald Trump from the ballot, a majority of Democratic voters now support another way to block Trump’s possible return to the White House.

March 8, 2024

65% of Democrats Think Trump Should Still Be Banned From X

While a majority of voters believe Elon Musk was correct to restore former President Donald Trump’s account on X – the social media platform formerly known as Twitter – two-thirds of Democrats disagree.

March 7, 2024

Election 2024: Many Voters Suspicious Toward Intelligence Agencies

A majority of voters think the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and other government spies may be trying to pick the winner in this year’s election.

March 6, 2024

Most Democrats Still Don’t Think Joe Biden Profited From Son Hunter’s Deals

Although a majority of Americans voters now believe Joe Biden likely profited from Hunter Biden’s foreign business deals, most Democrats still don’t think so.

March 5, 2024

Speaker Johnson Still Most Favored Leader in Congress

Four months after he emerged as the new Speaker of the House, Louisiana Republican Rep. Mike Johnson remains the most popular leader in Congress.

March 4, 2024

Trump Seen as More Pro-Israel Than Biden

By a 13-point margin, more voters consider former President Donald Trump a stronger supporter of Israel than President Joe Biden.

March 1, 2024

Trump’s VP Choice: Does It Matter?

Most voters think former President Donald Trump has got the Republican nomination locked up and, while they have preferences about his running mate, most say Trump’s veep pick won’t matter on Election Day.

February 29, 2024

67% of N.C. Voters Favor Immigration Reduction

North Carolina has added 5 million residents since 1980, and two-thirds of voters there support reducing immigration to control the state’s explosive growth.

February 28, 2024

Arizona Senate: Kari Lake Leads Democrat Gallego

Arizona Republican Kari Lake has a three-point lead over Democratic Rep. Ruben Gallego in this year’s U.S. Senate race, and Lake’s margin would be slightly wider if incumbent Sen. Kyrsten Sinema decides to seek reelection as an independent.

February 27, 2024

Most Suspect Putin in Navalny’s Death

A majority of American voters blame Russian President Vladimir Putin for opposition leader Alexei Navalny’s recent death in prison, but don’t think economic sanctions will have much effect on Putin’s regime.

February 26, 2024

47% Think Democrats May Replace Biden as Candidate

Nearly half of voters think it’s likely the Democratic Party will find another candidate to replace President Joe Biden this year, and a former first lady is a favorite pick for the candidate switcheroo.

February 23, 2024

Election Integrity: 54% Say Not Enough Done to Prevent Cheating

A majority of voters still believe cheating is likely to affect this year’s election, and don’t think government officials have done enough to protect election integrity

February 22, 2024

48% Want Fani Willis Kicked Off Trump Case

Nearly half of voters believe Fani Willis, the district attorney in Fulton County, Georgia, should be barred from prosecuting the election interference case against former President Donald Trump and his associates.

February 21, 2024

Nearly a Third of Voters Favor Reparations for Slavery

Support for reparations payments to the descendants of slaves has decreased and, even among voters who favor reparations, many doubt that Congress would pass such a measure.

February 21, 2024

Voters Consider Border Security More Important Than Ukraine

Securing the borders of the United States is a higher priority for voters than the war in Ukraine, and most agree with a Republican senator’s criticism of more military aid for Ukraine.

February 20, 2024

Election 2024: Trump +6 Over Biden, RFK Jr. at 12%

Former President Donald Trump continues to lead President Joe Biden in the 2024 election, and third-party challenger Robert F. Kennedy Jr. maintains double-digit support.

February 19, 2024

Iran: Two-Thirds See War Risk for U.S.

A plurality of voters think President Joe Biden hasn’t been aggressive enough in his dealings with Iran, and two-thirds think the current situation could lead to war.

February 16, 2024

West Virginia: 78% Support E-Verify Legislation

A bill pending in the West Virginia legislature to help control illegal immigration by requiring employers to use the E-Verify system has overwhelming support from the state’s voters.

February 15, 2024

Most Judge Biden’s Presidency a Failure

A majority of voters view former President Donald Trump’s term in office as a success, even as they consider President Joe Biden’s time in the White House a failure.