Voters See Less Tolerance for Political Differences
President Biden promised to unify the country, but voters say Americans are becoming more intolerant of political disagreement.
President Biden promised to unify the country, but voters say Americans are becoming more intolerant of political disagreement.
Thousands of National Guard troops are deployed in Washington, D.C., to protect Joe Biden as he is sworn in today as the 46th President of the United States. Most voters say they are concerned for Biden’s safety, but fewer plan to watch the entire inauguration ceremony.
With Democrats now controlling both houses of Congress and Joe Biden preparing to become President, voters are divided along partisan lines about whether this will improve life for the average American.
The news media have too much influence over what government does, according to a majority of voters, many of whom worry the media’s power will grow under Joe Biden’s presidency.
Americans don’t expect the new Congress to be better than the last one, but most say it would be better for Congress to work with President-elect Joe Biden than to oppose him.
More than a dozen senators say they will challenge Joe Biden’s election when Congress meets today to certify the results, and Republican voters overwhelmingly support the challenge.
Most voters are concerned about the government spying on U.S. citizens, and many are worried such surveillance will increase under the incoming administration of President-elect Joe Biden.
When the Republican Party reorganizes itself next year, GOP voters strongly believe President Trump should remain the role model, but most think the party should look for a new face to be its next presidential candidate.
Voters think Joe Biden cares more about what the media thinks than President Trump does but don’t see either man as media-focused as Congress.
Voters remain generally comfortable with the power of the U.S. presidency and expect Joe Biden to exercise it about the same way President Trump has.
Americans continue to agree with the Trump administration that the U.S. Census should include a citizenship question and say illegal immigrants should not be counted when congressional seats are being apportioned.
U.S. voters now regard each other as a bigger enemy than Russia or North Korea and just as dangerous as China.
Most voters continue to view big government as a problem and don’t want it, but they strongly suspect that more government and higher taxes are on the way with Joe Biden in the White House.
With Democrats on the brink of one-party rule in Washington, D.C., it’s no surprise that they like the idea a lot more than other voters do.
Voters continue to see a more divided America after four years of the Trump presidency. While half of voters place the blame at Trump’s feet, nearly as many don’t see it getting any better if Biden takes his seat in the White House.
Voters think it’s likely that Joe Biden was in on his son Hunter’s controversial business deals abroad but are more critical of President Trump’s ethics than those of the Democratic nominee.
With Facebook and Twitter under fire for their one-sided censorship of the news, most voters agree that social media has had a negative impact on politics in this country.
Following her confirmation hearing before the Senate Judiciary Committee, just over half of voters think U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett should be confirmed, and a sizable majority say she is Very Likely to be the next member of the high court.
Some Democratic opponents of U.S. Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett are criticizing her conservative Catholic beliefs. But three-out-of-four voters say a candidate’s religious faith should not determine whether he or she can serve on the high court.
Senate Democratic leader Charles Schumer says statehood for Puerto Rico and Washington, D.C. are priorities for his party if they win control of Congress. But Americans remain more comfortable with one than the other.