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July 25, 2006

Stem Cell Divide

President George W. Bush’s veto last week of legislation that would increase federal funding for embryonic stem cell research marked another milestone in the ongoing debate over the moral and political implications of this emerging field of research.

July 19, 2006

Traditional Views of Marriage Tops in Voters' Minds

Look up the word marriage in The American Heritage Dictionary and the first entry reads “the legal union of a man and woman as husband and wife.”

June 30, 2006

Churchgoers Disapprove of Gay and Lesbian Pastors

Is it appropriate for gay and lesbian church members to serve as pastors and bishops in a Christian Church? Two thirds (67%) of those who attend Church weekly say no. Just 27% of those faithful worshippers say yes.

June 9, 2006

85% Support English as Official Language Of U.S.

Eighty-five percent (85%) of Americans believe that English should be the official language of the United States.

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March 10, 2006

Generic Republicans Best President on National Security

Forty-three percent (43%) of Americans say they generally trust Republicans more than Democrats on national security issues while 38% place more trust in the Democrats. That five point advantage for generic Republicans is fairly modest, but is better than the numbers the President has mustered.

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December 21, 2005

57% Have Unfavorable Opinion of France

Fifty-seven percent (57%) of American voters have an unfavorable view of France. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that just 25% have a favorable opinion of that nation.

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December 21, 2005

68% Say Badnarik Should Be Invited to Debates

Sixty-eight percent (68%) of American adults believe that Libertarian Party candidate Michael Badnarik should be invited to participate in the Presidential Debates this year.

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November 20, 2004

51% of Democrats Want Centrist in 2008

Half (51%) of the nation's Democrats say it would be best for their party to nominate a more centrist candidate in 2008.

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October 24, 2004

Just 13% Favor Draft, Few Expect It

Just 13% of American voters favor re-instatement of a military draft for the United States. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 72% are opposed to such a step.

Perhaps because the sentiment is so overwhelming, few expect a draft anytime soon--regardless of who wins the Presidential election.

If President Bush wins, 23% of American voters believe we will have a military draft. If Senator Kerry wins, 22% believe there will be a draft. In both cases, 53% say they do not expect a draft.

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August 23, 2004

59% Favor Plan to Redeploy Troops from Europe, Korea

Initial public reaction to a proposal for reducing the number of American troops in Germany and Korea is very positive.

Fifty-nine percent (59%) of voters favor the plan which would station more American troops in the United States while reducing our presence in nations that dominated the Cold War era. A Rasmussen Reports survey found that 23% oppose the idea.