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July 7, 2008

Voters Divided As to Whether Women or African-Americans Face More Discrimination

Voters are evenly divided on whether women or African-Americans are more discriminated against today. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 32% believe African-Americans face more discrimination and 31% believe women do. Thirty-eight percent (38%) are not sure.

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July 7, 2008

55 mph is So 70s: Voters Oppose Lowering National Speed Limit

A proposal to conserve energy by reducing the nationwide speed limit to 55 miles-per-hour is strongly opposed by the nation’s voters. Voters continue to prefer solutions that lead to finding more energy rather than relying upon conservation efforts. Majorities support both drilling for oil in both offshore wells and in the Alaskan National Wildlife Refuge.

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July 3, 2008

Only 17% See Working For Government As A Higher Calling

Even as both presidential candidates urge Americans to undertake more public service, over half of U.S. voters reject the idea that such duty is better than working in the private sector, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Only one out of six voters view work for the government as a higher calling.

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July 3, 2008

Most Americans Still Hold These Truths to Be Self-Evident

In the early summer days of 1776, a group of men gathered in Philadelphia to craft a document that has become one of history’s great declarations of liberty. In an time and place where challenging the King was considered treason, the Continental Congress declared that the King had no right to claim authority over them.

July 3, 2008

59% of voters say Constitution is Just Fine; 39% Say it Doesn’t Restrict Government Enough

Three out of five Americans think the U.S. Constitution is fine as is, but 39% fear it doesn't place enough restrictions on the government, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey.

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July 2, 2008

Most Americans Proud of U.S. History, Say Other Nations Should Follow America’s Lead

Three out of four Americans are proud of their country’s history, and nearly as many feel the world would be a better place if more nations were like ours.

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June 24, 2008

58% Favor Financial Incentives for Private Companies to Reduce Oil Costs, but McCain Incentive Plans Get Lukewarm Reviews

Sixty-five percent (65%) of voters say that the federal government should get “actively involved in efforts to reduce the price of gas and oil.” The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey also found that 58% believe the most effective way for the government to get involved is to provide financial incentives that will encourage private companies to find solutions.

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June 23, 2008

Most Still See United States as Land of Opportunity

Fifty-five percent (55%) of American adults say that just about anyone who really wants to work can find a job in the United States. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 31% disagree.

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June 22, 2008

71% Know Pelosi is a Democrat, but Most Don’t Know Other Congressional Leaders

Seventy-one percent (71%) of American voters know that Nancy Pelosi is a Democrat, but most don’t know enough about other Congressional leaders to even hazard a guess.

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June 20, 2008

56% Want NAFTA Renegotiated, Americans Divided on Free Trade

Over half of U.S. voters think the North American Free Trade Agreement needs to be renegotiated even as Republican presidential candidate John McCain prepares for a speech Friday in which he will hammer Barack Obama for saying the same thing.

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June 20, 2008

Voters Okay with Status Quo on Wiretapping

Voters appear satisfied that a proper balance has been struck between individual rights and national security as Congress finally agrees on an overhaul of federal wiretapping legislation, according to a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey.

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June 16, 2008

88% Say Free Speech is Good, But Only 53% Oppose Ban on Hate Speech

The overwhelming majority of Americans strongly guard their right to free speech (88%). But, a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that just over half (53%) say the United States should refrain from banning so-called “hate speech.”

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June 7, 2008

English-First Still Favored by Most Americans

Americans believe by large majorities that it is more important for newcomers to learn English than it is for their fellow citizens to become bilingual.

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June 3, 2008

Just 17% Say Federal Government Represents Will of the People

As Election 2008 draws ever closer, it is hard to overstate the disconnect between the American people and their government.

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April 9, 2008

37% Say African-Americans Face More Discrimination than Women

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of voters nationwide believe that African-Americans face more discrimination than women. A national telephone survey by Rasmussen Reports found that 27% disagree and say that women face more discrimination. Thirty-five percent (35%) are not sure.

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February 18, 2008

32% Say U.S. Legal System Worries Too Much About National Security at Expense of Individual Rights

Most Americans might have a difficult time sorting through the nuances of the Congressional debate over the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, but they are a bit more likely to trust Democrats in Congress than President Bush on the topic.

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February 16, 2008

Partisan Economics: Democrats, Republicans Have Fundamentally Different Perceptions of the Economy

The economy has emerged as a top voting issue for Election 2008, but that broad topic means different things to different people.

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February 11, 2008

Public Struggles With Scale of Federal Budget

Given four choices as to the size of the federal budget presented by the President last week, 39% of American voters did not offer any answer, 36% guessed wrong, and just 24% knew the answer--$3.1 trillion dollars.

January 20, 2008

Voters Expect Little from Congress in 2008

A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 12% of American voters say it’s Very Likely Congress will take steps to help the economy in 2008.

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January 18, 2008

51% Say Security More Important than Privacy

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Americans say that Security is more important than privacy.