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January 31, 2022

50% Support Biden’s Impeachment

Half of voters believe President Joe Biden should be impeached, and nearly as many think Republicans will do it if they win a congressional majority in the midterm elections.

January 28, 2022

Supreme Court: Most Voters Don’t Like Picking Justices by Race and Gender

A majority of voters expect President Joe Biden to keep his campaign promise to nominate a black woman to the Supreme Court, but they don’t like the idea of choosing justices on the basis of race and gender.

January 27, 2022

Democrats In Congress Too Liberal, Most Voters Believe

A majority of voters think congressional Democrats are too liberal, and agree with the Senate GOP leader that voters don’t want to “fundamentally transform America.”

January 26, 2022

Only 31% Want U.S. Troops to Defend Ukraine

With Russia threatening to invade Ukraine, less than a third of voters want American troops deployed to defend against such an attack.

January 25, 2022

Election Integrity: 63% Support ‘Truly Bipartisan’ Reform

Most voters are happy with last week’s defeat of Democrat-backed election reform legislation, and support a GOP senator’s call for a bipartisan bill.

January 21, 2022

Inflation, Crime Are Top Voter Concerns

Voters are significantly more worried about inflation and violent crime than they are about COVID-19 or climate change.

January 20, 2022

D.C. Has Become More Partisan, Most Voters Believe

There’s too much partisanship and not enough cooperation in Washington, according to a majority of voters.

January 12, 2022

Voters Expect DA’s Policy Will Cause Crime Increase in New York

After the new district attorney in New York City announced he will not seek prison sentences for many crimes, and will treat many felony cases as misdemeanors, most voters expect crime to increase in the Big Apple.

January 6, 2022

52% Still Like Trump, But Democrats Think His Supporters Are Racist

Nearly a year after former President Donald Trump left office, many voters still view him favorably, while Democrats consider most of his supporters to be racists.

December 23, 2021

Voters Against 'Zuckerbucks' Influencing Elections

An overwhelming majority of American voters believe Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg’s multimillion-dollar effort to influence the 2020 presidential election was a bad thing for democracy, and most still think cheating influenced the election outcome.

December 22, 2021

Most Voters Think Capitol Riot Committee Is ‘Partisan’

While Democratic voters strongly support the House Select Committee’s investigation of the January 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol, most Republicans and independents believe the committee has become a partisan weapon.

December 21, 2021

Only 31% Say Biden Represents Their Views

Republican voters overwhelmingly say former President Trump represents their political views, but Democrats are less likely to say the same of President Joe Biden, and independent voters strongly prefer Trump to Biden.

December 17, 2021

Voters Don’t Like Congress, and ‘Build Back Better’ Won’t Help

Fewer than a third of voters have a favorable opinion of Congress, and most don’t support the “Build Back Better” legislation now pending in the Senate.

December 15, 2021

Crime: 68% Of Voters Say It’s Getting Worse

An overwhelming majority of voters are increasingly concerned about violent crime and, by a wide margin, they trust Republicans more than Democrats to deal with the problem.

December 10, 2021

Election Integrity: Most GOP Voters Still Think Biden Cheated

Support for voter ID laws to prevent cheating in elections remains high, and most Republican voters remain unconvinced that President Joe Biden was elected fairly.

November 30, 2021

Biden Not Doing Enough to Fight Rising Fuel Prices, Voters Say

Voters are worried about rising fuel prices and most don’t think President Joe Biden is doing enough to solve the problem.

November 24, 2021

Trump Would Win Rematch With Biden

Less than a third of voters think it would be a good idea for President Joe Biden to run for reelection, and he would lose a rematch to former President Donald Trump by a double-digit margin.

November 18, 2021

Bannon Charges, O’Keefe Investigation Motivated by Politics, Most Voters Say

Have the FBI and the federal Department of Justice (DOJ) become political weapons against President Joe Biden’s opponents? After targeting Trump adviser Steve Bannon and conservative journalist James O’Keefe, most voters think so.

November 15, 2021

Media Bias? Voter Distrust of Political News Grows

Voters increasingly distrust reporting about politics, and most think the media are less aggressive in questioning President Joe Biden than they were with former President Donald Trump.

November 10, 2021

Voters Still Want Balanced Budget, But Doubt They’ll Live to See One

As Congress keeps adding to the federal debt with multi-trillion-dollar spending bills, voters continue to prefer a balanced budget, but don’t have much hope it will happen any time soon.