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August 18, 2006

Virginia Senate: Allen’s Lead Shrinks After Controversial Remark

Senator George Allen's alleged slur of an opposition campaign worker of Indian descent, recorded on video, has provoked a furious controversy in the state. In the wake of the controversy, support for Allen has dipped to its lowest level of the year.

August 17, 2006

Al Gore’s Ideology: Liberal by a Long Shot

Former U.S. Senator and Vice President Al Gore has been back in the news as of late with the release of "An Inconvenient Truth," his feature film documentary on the earth's global warming crisis.

August 17, 2006

Bill Clinton: Leaning to the Left

William Jefferson Clinton’s presidency was one marked by many firsts. He was the first Baby Boomer president elected in the U.S.

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August 17, 2006

Maine Senate: Snowe Holding On to Massive Lead

Shortly after winning the Democratic primary in June, Jean Hay Bright noted on her campaign web site that, judging by a Rasmussen Reports election poll, support for Republican Senator Olympia Snowe was "already three points down from the last election."

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August 17, 2006

Nebraska Senate: Nelson Lead Remains Comfortable

Just as Nebraska's Republican Governor is popular with voters of all parties, so too is Democratic Senator Ben Nelson. Nelson attracts 41% of GOP voters in our latest poll of the Senate race, while Republican challenger Pete Ricketts lures just five percent more.

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August 17, 2006

Nebraska Governor: Heineman Still Coasting to Election

No doubt more than one struggling GOP incumbent has cast a wistful glance or two at the gubernatorial contest in Nebraska. Republican Governor Dave Heineman enjoys a conspicuous lead over Democrat David Hahn of 71% to 18%.

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August 16, 2006

Tennessee Senate

The most recent Rasmussen Reports election poll shows Republican Bob Corker leading Rep. Harold Ford, Jr. 48% to 42%.

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August 16, 2006

Michigan Governor: Granholm, DeVos Again in Toss-Up

With Michigan's rickety economy continuing to loom large in minds of many voters—45% say it is the election issue that most concerns them—Governor Jennifer Granholm (D) and Republican Dick DeVos remain locked in an extremely competitive battle for the governor's mansion.

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August 16, 2006

Michigan Senate Race: Senator Stabenow on Same Hot Seat as the Governor?

Fresh from an August 8 Senate primary election that he won more handily than expected, Republican Oakland County Sheriff Michael Bouchard is now just five points shy of the level of support attracted by Democratic Senator Debbie Stabenow. Stabenow leads 49% to 44%.

August 15, 2006

Rudy Giuliani: America's Mayor Seen as Middle of Road by Most

With the fifth anniversary of 9/11 upon us, memories of that tragic event are returning to the forefront of public consciousness.

August 15, 2006

President George W. Bush: Majority (57%) Call Him Conservative

Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans view President George W. Bush as politically conservative. Nineteen percent (19%) say the 43rd president of the United States is politically moderate, while 11% see him as liberal.

August 14, 2006

McCain in the Middle

U.S. Senator John McCain's long and varied career has placed him front and center in a number of battles. He served his country in Vietnam as a member of the U.S. Navy.

August 14, 2006

Despite Hype, Number of People Closely Following Race is Small

Interest in the Lamont-Lieberman Senate race among political junkies and activists has been intense. However, just 21% of American adults say they have been following news stories of the campaign Very Closely.

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August 14, 2006

Colorado Governor: Ritter Now With 9-point Lead

Denver District Attorney Bill Ritter (D) has bolstered his advantage over Republican Representative Bob Beauprez, now leading him 48% to 39%.

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August 14, 2006

Connecticut Governor: Rell by 22, still

Though political junkies have been preoccupied with the Senate race in Connecticut and the stunning upset victory over Senator Lieberman in the recent Democratic primary, there is also a race for Governor here. In that less-suspenseful contest it looks like the incumbent will enjoy a much easier road to reelection.

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August 12, 2006

Massachusetts Governor: Democrats Lead

Early this year, it seemed venture capitalist Chris Gabrieli would be tapped as the running mate of fellow Democrat Tom Reilly, the Democrat then favored to gain the party's gubernatorial nomination.

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August 12, 2006

Connecticut Senate: Two Days After Primary, Lieberman Ahead by 5

Senator Joe Lieberman’s decision to run as an Independent sets up a lively campaign season for Connecticut voters. In the first General Election poll since Ned Lamont defeated Lieberman in the Connecticut primary, the incumbent is hanging on to a five percentage point lead.

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August 11, 2006

Hawaii Senate: September's Primary Shaping Up to be a Showdown

Hawaii’s Senate seat will be decided on September 23—Primary Day—rather than November 8. That’s when Democrats Daniel Akaka, the incumbent senator seeking his fourth full term, and U.S. Rep. Ed Case will square off for their party’s nomination in November.

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August 10, 2006

Montana Senate: Burns Bouncing Back

The most recent Rasmussen Reports election poll in Montana shows incumbent Republican Senator Conrad Burns and Democrat Jon Tester tied at 47%.

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August 10, 2006

Illinois Governor: Blagojevich Still Ahead

The power of incumbency is not necessarily paving an easy road to re-election for Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich. The most recent Rasmussen Reports election survey of 500 likely voters in Illinois shows the governor leading State Treasurer Judy Baar Topinka 45% to 37%. That’s little changed from his lead of 45% to 34% in last month’s poll.