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July 20, 2016

Is Trump's Business Record A Good Fit for the White House?

Republicans and unaffiliated voters tend to see Donald Trump's lifetime of business experience as good training for the White House. Most Democrats do not. GOP voters aren't nearly as worried as the others that Trump's business interests may be a potential conflict of interest problem down the road.

July 19, 2016

Voters Drawn More to GOP’s Convention Than to Democrats’

Voters are more likely to watch some of this week’s Republican National Convention where Donald Trump is expected to be nominated than next week’s Democratic National Convention where Hillary Clinton is likely to triumph.

July 18, 2016

Voters React To Pence As Trump’s Running Mate

Voters insist that vice presidential nominees are important to their vote, but most say Donald Trump’s choice of Indiana Governor Mike Pence as a running mate will not affect how they vote in the fall.

July 12, 2016

Will Congress Matter In The Presidential Election?

Democratic voters are far more confident than Republicans that their representatives in Congress will be an asset to their presidential nominee this November.

July 11, 2016

Clinton Seen As Bigger Boost Than Trump for Other Candidates

Democrats are much more confident than Republicans are that their presidential nominee will help their congressional candidates win in November.

July 11, 2016

Voters Question Clinton's Qualifications, Now Rate Trump Equal

Most voters have difficulty swallowing President Obama's superlatives for Hillary Clinton on the campaign trail last week and now rate her and Donald Trump equally when it comes to their preparedness for the White House.

July 8, 2016

Libertarian Johnson Doesn't Change Presidential Outcome So Far

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton still run neck-and-neck with Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson added to the ballot.

July 1, 2016

Warren Not Seen As Boost To Clinton Presidential Ticket

Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren joined Hillary Clinton on the presidential campaign trail earlier this week, fueling speculation of an all-woman national ticket. But most voters - including Democrats and women - say a vice presidential nomination for Warren wouldn't help Clinton's chances for the White House.

June 29, 2016

Bernie's Decision to Vote for Hillary Doesn't Impress Many Democrats

Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders recently announced that he will vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump but stopped short of endorsing his former Democratic primary rival. A sizable number of Democrats say they’d vote for Sanders for president if they still had that option, but most voters, regardless of political party, say his announcement will have little impact on how they vote this fall.

June 22, 2016

66% of GOP Voters Think Most Top Republicans Don’t Want Trump to be President

Despite Donald Trump’s record turnout in this year’s primaries, most Republican voters are convinced that their party’s leaders don’t want him to get elected.

June 21, 2016

Young Voters Favor A Gay President; Older Voters Do Not

An openly gay candidate for the White House is still a long shot, but voters under 40 are a lot more enthusiastic about the prospect than their elders are.

June 17, 2016

Clinton, Trump Still Battle High Unfavorables

It’s lucky for them that this year’s presidential election isn’t a popularity contest or both major party candidates might lose.

June 15, 2016

Would You Rather Have a Beer With Clinton or Trump?

Voters, especially men, would rather have a beer with Donald Trump, but they're evenly divided over which of the major presidential candidates they would invite home for dinner.

June 10, 2016

Most Remain Willing to Vote For a Woman President

With Hillary Clinton poised to become the first woman nominated by a major U.S. political party to be president, most voters still say they’re willing to vote for a woman president and are slightly more confident that those close to them will do the same. But voters are less enthusiastic about a women candidate in general if her opponent is a man.

June 8, 2016

She’s The One: A Woman in the White House?

After winning three state primaries yesterday, Hillary Clinton is set to become the first woman in history to get a major party’s nomination for president of the United States.

Of course, Democratic voters have been predicting a Clinton victory for months in Rasmussen Reports’ monthly Hillary Meter survey. But how do voters feel about the prospect of a woman president?

White letter R on blue background
June 7, 2016

Voters Rate Clinton Vs. Trump on Social Issues

As is the case on most issues Rasmussen Reports has asked about so far, voters tend to think Hillary Clinton will perform similarly to President Obama when it comes to social issues if she wins the presidency, while they expect big changes from Donald Trump - although not necessarily positive ones.

June 6, 2016

Voters Give Trump University Low Marks for Impact So Far

Former students of the now-defunct Trump University have filed a federal lawsuit against the for-profit educational institution started by presumptive GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump alleging fraud and predatory business tactics. However, most voters nationwide say the issue will not impact their support of Trump positively or negatively in the upcoming election.

June 3, 2016

Libertarians' Johnson Makes Little Dent in Clinton-Trump Race

The inclusion of Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson on a hypothetical 2016 general election ballot makes little difference in terms of support for likely major party nominees Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, with a sizable number of voters still looking elsewhere.

June 1, 2016

How Do Voters Weigh Clinton’s Honesty vs. Trump’s?

Republicans have a lot more confidence in Donald Trump’s honesty than Democrats do in the honesty of Hillary Clinton.

June 1, 2016

Voters Say a Trump-Sanders Debate No Big Deal

The possibility of a televised debate between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders fizzled out last week after the presumptive GOP presidential nominee decided it was “inappropriate” to debate a candidate in second place for the Democratic nomination. While it might have made great television, most voters say it wouldn’t have impacted their vote this November.