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Commentary By Stephen Moore

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August 17, 2021

Taxpayers Are Getting Ripped Off and Congress Does Nothing by Stephen Moore

Milton Friedman used to quip that, in Washington, if a government program is working, Congress says we need to spend more money on it. And if a government program is failing, Congress concludes we are not spending enough money on it.

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August 11, 2021

Hell No To a Debt Ceiling Increase by Stephen Moore

Sometimes, when you go into a store with expensive merchandise on the shelves, you will see a sign that reads, "You break it, you buy it."

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August 3, 2021

American Tech Sector Keeps Blowing Away the Rest of the World by Stephen Moore

Take a bow, America. It's official and irrefutable: The U.S. is blowing out the rest of the world in tech leadership. No other country in the world comes anywhere close in tech innovation and the dominance of our made-in-America 21st-century companies.

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July 27, 2021

How the Left Has Used COVID-19 to Bankrupt the United States by Stephen Moore

I have never bought the conspiracy theories that COVID-19 was a diabolical political plot to undermine the country. But what is apparent with each passing week is that the virus has been the springboard for the left's agenda to transform America in a way that Sen. Bernie Sanders, Michael Moore or Rachel Maddow could have never imagined.

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July 20, 2021

In Biden's America, Everyone is Entitled to Everything by Stephen Moore

Despite its liberal tendencies, The Washington Post editorial board once acknowledged that in a democracy, "everyone can't be entitled to everyone else's money."

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July 13, 2021

OPEC and Big Oil's New Best Friend, Joe Biden By Stephen Moore

The price of oil surged to $75 a barrel the other day under President Joe Biden's green energy policies. The price was as low as $35 a barrel under former President Donald Trump because he believed in American energy dominance ("Drill, baby, drill"). So, more oil meant lower prices at the pump. It was effectively a massive, multibillion-dollar tax cut for lower- and middle-income earners of tens of billions of dollars a year.

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July 6, 2021

Whatever Happened to Property Rights? by Stephen Moore

I'm no lawyer, that's for sure, and so I don't have expertise on the intricacies of the law, but I am angry as a hornet by the recent Supreme Court decision upholding the federal "eviction moratorium."

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June 29, 2021

The Return of the Corporate Welfare State by Stephen Moore

No one is paying much attention, but Washington is building up a vast new multitrillion-dollar welfare class: corporate America.

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June 22, 2021

Biden Economic Strategy: Put America Last By Stephen Moore

President Joe Biden's performance at the meeting with foreign leaders in Britain last week was a disgrace. Biden cut deals with Britain that sold out America's interests, and for doing so, he won the worshipful accolades of the Europeans, the Brits and the Canadians. It's amazing how popular you are at a party when you pay everyone's bills. Except Biden isn't spending his own money, of course. He's spending ours.

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June 15, 2021

The Insurrection in Chicago by Stephen Moore

Almost exactly a year ago, race riots paralyzed more than a dozen of America's great cities, from New York to Seattle. The smoke hasn't gone away.

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June 8, 2021

Sorry, Joe: Fixing Roads and Bridges Doesn't Cost $2 Trillion By Stephen Moore

The Biden White House is furiously trying to cajole congressional Republicans into signing off on his $2 trillion "infrastructure bill." So far, they've held firm in saying not just no but "hell, no" to new taxes and spending to pay for all this.

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June 1, 2021

Suddenly, 'The Population Bomb' Is a Population Bust by Stephen Moore

Paul Ehrlich wrote one of the most famous and bestselling books of the 20th century. It was called "The Population Bomb." It was 300 pages of doom and gloom. The planet was being destroyed because human beings were reproducing like Norwegian field mice. It was a Darwinian nightmare leading the species inexorably back to a Neanderthal subsistence level existence.

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May 25, 2021

Biden's 'Gas Tax' Is a Pain at the Pump by Stephen Moore

One of my early memories, and not a happy one, is sitting in gas lines in the 1970s. My parents would rustle me out of bed early on frigid February mornings, and we'd pack into the Ford and speed over to the gas station.

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May 18, 2021

Democrats Follow the 'Science' and Reject Common Sense by Stephen Moore

Every time I hear Democrats sermonize about following "the science," I feel as though I'm listening to members of the Flat Earth Society. Science is what the left wants to believe to be true. It has become a way to shut off debate, not advance it. Remember: These were the fools who told us to shut down our schools for a year.

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May 11, 2021

98% of the Way There: Trump's Super V-Shaped Recovery by Stephen Moore

The U.S. economy peaked in late 2019 at $21 trillion. We are now remarkably 98% back to where we were before the terrible COVID-19 pandemic slammed these shores 14 months ago. This rebound is one of the outstanding U.S. achievements in history. Since June of last year, the economy has rocketed by 34% in quarter 3 of 2020, 4.2% in quarter 4 of 2020 and now 6.4% in the first three months of 2021. So far in this current quarter, growth is more than 10%.

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May 4, 2021

Why Did Biden Census Bureau Add 2.5 Million More Residents to Blue-State Population Count? by Stephen Moore

There is something very fishy about the new 2020 Census Bureau data determining which states picked up seats and which states lost seats.

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April 27, 2021

Unions Sell Out Their Own Workers for the Biden Energy Plan By Stephen Moore

Another pro-President Joe Biden union just told it's rank-and-file members: Sorry, guys, you are all fired.

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April 20, 2021

GOP Trustbusters Are Embracing Progressives' Agenda By Stephen Moore

It's not too often that Republicans embrace the agenda of leftist Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. But it's happening.

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April 13, 2021

Biden's Green Energy Plan Declares War on American Energy, A Commentary by Stephen Moore

Am I the only one who finds it head-scratching that President Joe Biden, who wants to spend $2 trillion of taxpayer money on "infrastructure," is the same president whose first act in the White House was to kill a multibillion-dollar oil and gas pipeline that would create some 15,000 jobs? The Keystone pipeline that he canceled was vital to our energy infrastructure and wasn't going to cost taxpayers a penny.

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April 6, 2021

States Fight Back Against Biden War on the West by Stephen Moore

President Ronald Reagan used to refer to our country as "these United States," not "the United States."