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Commentary By Stephen Moore

Most Recent Releases

July 23, 2024

Where Does Joe Biden Rank Among America's Worst Presidents? By Stephen Moore

President Joe Biden's time in the White House is mercifully coming to an end. He's now officially a lame duck with six months to go.

July 9, 2024

The Case for Draining the Swamp Is Stronger Than Ever By Stephen Moore

   The latest official employment report finds once again that the federal government and state-local hiring spree is still in full gear. Over the past year, health care and government hiring has outpaced every private sector industry. It isn't just the IRS bringing on thousands of new workers. The bloat is everywhere.

July 2, 2024

Save the Cows By Stephen Moore

   Enjoy your cheeseburgers and steaks when you fire up the grill this Fourth of July weekend, because they may not be available much longer.

June 26, 2024

Climate Change Movement Goes to Court -- Will Judges Ban Fossil Fuels? By Stephen Moore

   Things aren't going well at all for the global warming crusaders. Despite hundreds of billions of tax dollars spent on green energy over the past decade, the world and America used more fossil fuels than ever before in history last year.

June 18, 2024

Some 40 Years Later: A Nation STILL at Risk By Stephen Moore

   School's out for the summer, so now it is time to examine the state of our education system.

June 11, 2024

Biden Housing Scheme Could Ignite Another 2008 Mortgage Crisis By Stephen Moore

Politicians in Washington have very short memories, so they repeat the same mistakes over and over.

June 4, 2024

Hey Joe: Where Are All the EV Charging Stations? By Stephen Moore

The Biden administration has spent tens of billions of dollars on green energy, yet last year the U.S. and the world used record amounts of fossil fuels.

May 28, 2024

5 Reasons to Make the Trump Tax Cut Permanent By Stephen Moore

   No issue defines the diametrically opposite economic philosophies of Joe Biden and Donald Trump than their position on the Trump tax cuts.

Trump wants to make those tax cuts permanent; Biden has repeatedly promised to tax America back to prosperity by repealing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. But there are so many factual errors swirling around regarding the Trump tax cuts that it's a wonder that the "truth screeners" on the internet haven't flagged this all as "disinformation."

May 14, 2024

Biden 2.0 -- Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid By Stephen Moore

   Could a second Biden term be more injurious to the economy than his first term? It seems unimaginable given the first three years gave us 20% inflation, a $2,000 loss in average real incomes for the middle class, 6 million added illegal immigrants, a war on American energy that has caused gas prices to rise by more than 40% to $3.64 a gallon, the collapse of our many major cities, another $6 trillion added to the national debt, the unaffordability of new homes, and the chaos on college campuses.

May 8, 2024

That '70s Show -- Is Biden Taking America Back to the Age of Jimmy Carter? By Stephen Moore

   Everything that is happening in our fractured nation today seems so worrisomely reminiscent of America's last lost decade -- the 1970s.

April 30, 2024

Four Radical Reforms to Shrink the Federal Budget By Stephen Moore

   It was nearly 50 years ago that a liberal Congress completely dominated by Democrat big spenders passed a new set of budget rules -- the Congressional Budget and Impoundment Control Act of 1974.

April 23, 2024

Why Small Businesses Hate Bidenomics By Stephen Moore

   If the economy is so good, why do small business leaders feel so bad?

   The latest Small Business Optimism Index from the National Federation of Independent Business could hardly be more depressing. It finds that the men and women who run our 33 million small businesses and hire more than half of American workers are in a somber mood. The survey finds that small-business confidence has reached its lowest point in 12 years.

April 16, 2024

Joe Biden on the Economy: I Don't Feel Your Pain By Stephen Moore

   In 1992, Democratic presidential nominee Bill Clinton famously answered a voter question about how the national debt affected him personally. Clinton's response was often paraphrased as, "I feel your pain."

April 9, 2024

Biggest Corporate Welfare Scam of All Time By Stephen Moore

   President Joe Biden keeps lecturing corporate America to "pay your fair share" of taxes. It turns out he's right that some companies really are getting away scot-free from paying taxes.

April 2, 2024

Planes, Trains and Automobiles ... and Trucks By Stephen Moore

   The Biden administration has announced in recent weeks new stringent emissions requirements for virtually the entire American transportation system.

March 26, 2024

The Biden Administration Takes a Swipe at Credit Card Industry By Stephen Moore

  The Biden administration regulators see a monopoly boogeyman behind the curtain of nearly every business merger and acquisition -- from airlines to cellphones to chicken producers.

March 20, 2024

Biden's Tax Plan That Puts America Last By Stephen Moore

I am often asked if President Joe Biden is intentionally trying to dismantle the American economy with his imbecilic energy, climate change, crime, border, inflation and debt policies. But I've always believed these policies are driven by a badly mistaken ideology -- not malice.

March 12, 2024

On the Economy: Biden Needs to Go Back and Take Remedial Math By Stephen Moore

It's a good thing President Joe Biden wasn't strapped to a polygraph while giving his State of the Union speech on Thursday, because his results would have come back about as clean as O.J. Simpson's. That was especially true when he recited a lot of tall tales -- and some whoppers -- while touting his administration's alleged successes.

March 5, 2024

Biden's OTHER Immigration Calamity By Stephen Moore

Recent polling shows President Joe Biden's open-border immigration policy is now ranked as the No. 1 or 2 problem facing America -- in part because of the havoc in our large cities where the millions of migrants are now residing.

February 28, 2024

Michigan Takes a U-Turn Back to the Rust Belt By Stephen Moore

No state in modern times has transitioned from a worker freedom state to one that forces workers to join a union and pay dues to labor bosses. All the momentum across the country in the last two decades has been in the opposite direction: allowing workers the right to choose a union -- or not.