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Perry McLeod / Shutterstock.com
February 22, 2019

In A Growing 2020 Field, Dems See Sanders Among Most Viable Contenders So Far

Bernie Sanders kicked off his 2020 presidential run raising more funding on the day of his announcement than any Democratic candidate so far. And it seems to be paying off.

February 15, 2019

Only 29% Favor Democratic Probe of Trump If Mueller Finds Nothing

So far the facts aren’t there, but Democrats remain convinced that the Trump campaign colluded with the Russians to win the presidency. Most voters in general, however, say if Special Counsel Robert Mueller can’t prove it, Democrats should let it go.

Alexandros Michailidis / Shutterstock.com
February 14, 2019

Most Still See A U.S. Role in NATO

With the Soviet Union fading further and further into the rearview mirror of history, President Trump has voiced his concern about the cost to the United States of participating in NATO, but most voters here still don’t want to let go of the 70-year-old anti-Soviet alliance.

February 11, 2019

Only 40% Think State of the Union Is Strong

The economy is booming at historic levels, and America’s coming home from war. But voters say that’s not enough to make a strong country and see a need for more economic and social justice.

February 8, 2019

Voters Not Convinced Tax Increases On Wealthiest Americans Benefit the Economy

Most voters agree that government spending and taxes are too high, but they’re divided over the impact that raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans would have.

February 6, 2019

Bloomberg vs. Trump, And the Winner Is…

Former New York City mayor Michael Bloomberg, a centrist Democrat, appears to be contemplating a 2020 presidential run, and he stands a chance against President Trump.

February 5, 2019

Booker Has A Hill to Climb for Name Recognition

Like many of the Democratic presidential wannabes, newly declared candidate Cory Booker has a name recognition problem. So voters aren’t giving him much of a chance at this point of going all the way.

February 4, 2019

Voters See Woman, Person of Color As 2020 Democratic Nominee

In a year where the Democratic party swore in the most diverse, most female class in history, most voters see that trend continuing all the way to the White House.

January 31, 2019

In A Crowded 2020 Election Field, This Democrat Remains On Top

Former Vice President Joe Biden remains the favorite candidate among Democrats to be the party’s 2020 presidential nominee. But as support for California Senator Kamala Harris rises, support for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren is fading.

January 31, 2019

Voters Believe Social Media Divides Us

It may not drive their politics, but most voters believe social media plays a role in dividing us.

Karl_Sonnenberg / Shutterstock.com
January 30, 2019

Voters Mixed on Harris, Don't See Her as 2020 Nominee

California Senator Kamala Harris has announced her intention to run for president, but voters aren’t paying the California Democrat much heed.

January 30, 2019

Social Media Impacts Politics of Younger Voters Most

Most voters remain avid users of social media but say they’re not influenced by political posts on platforms like Twitter and Facebook. Those under 40 are far more likely than their elders to have their politics shaped by social media.

January 29, 2019

41% Think U.S. Should Do More to Encourage Democracy in Venezuela

The United States, among other nations around the world, has chimed in on the contentious presidential race in Venezuela, but U.S. voters aren’t so sure we should be butting into the affairs of the South American nation.

January 28, 2019

More Voters See A Divided Nation, Blame Trump

Most voters still see America as a divided country and think President Trump is chiefly to blame.

January 25, 2019

Most Voters Disagree With Ocasio-Cortez Comparison of Climate Change to World War

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez this week made comparisons to climate change being like a World War. Most voters disagree with that comparison, and even a plurality of Democrats don’t think it’s true.

January 24, 2019

Voters Closely Divided Over RBG's Future on Supreme Court

Despite Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg's continuing medical issues and her unprecedented absence from the high court, voters aren’t convinced the 85-year-old jurist will step down in time for President Trump to name her replacement.

January 23, 2019

GOP Voters Want Trump To Give State of the Union Speech, Democrats Don’t

Republicans think President Trump should stand tall and deliver his State of the Union address despite the ongoing government shutdown. Democrats, however, think he should wait until after it ends.

January 22, 2019

Fewer Involved in Women’s March, But Support Unchanged

Participation in this past Sunday’s Women’s March appears to have gone down dramatically from two years ago when the first such march was held, but voters are little changed in their view that the annual event is good for women in general.

January 21, 2019

Voters Still Lack Faith in the Federal Government

Voters continue to lack trust in the federal government’s ability to get things right, and most still believe the government is out for itself. 

January 18, 2019

Voters Say Current Government Too Big for Founding Fathers

Most voters aren't scared of the federal government, but they think there's more of it than the country's Founders intended.