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Political Commentary

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December 28, 2007

Will Arizona's Immigration Law Work?: A Commentary by Froma Harrop

What would happen if the United States seriously enforced the ban on hiring undocumented workers?

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December 28, 2007

Benazir Bhutto. May She Rest in Peace: A Commentary by Susan Estrich

I met her in a green room, which, like so many others, wasn't even green. The woman doing makeup had no idea who she was and neither did the camera man, but they knew I was going on first, to discuss some OJ-like topic of no real importance, so they asked her to get out of the makeup chair so I could be "done" first

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December 27, 2007

GOP's Last Man Standing: John McCain: Inside Report by Robert D. Novak

Sen. John McCain, given up for dead a few weeks ago as he ran a cash-starved, disorganized campaign, today is viewed by canny Republican professionals as the best bet to win the party's presidential nomination.

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December 27, 2007

Top Story Of 2007: The Surge, The Military, And The Media: A Commentary By Michelle Malkin

There should be no question what the top story of the year was: America's counterinsurgency campaign in Iraq, the Democrats' hapless efforts to sabotage it, and the Western mainstream media's stubborn refusal to own up to military progress.

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December 27, 2007

Bush's Very Good Year: A Commentary by Lawrence Kudlow

Against all odds, and despite the usual drumbeat of criticism, President George W. Bush has had a very good year. The troop surge in Iraq is succeeding.

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December 26, 2007

Only Suckers Pay Bills: A Commentary by Froma Harrop

Wouldn't it be fun to do a money-dance around town, throwing borrowed hundred dollar bills to passersby, while arranging to have others pay for the adventure?

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December 24, 2007

A Rogue CIA - Inside Report by Robert Novak

Outrage over the CIA's destruction of interrogation tapes is but one element of the distress about the agency by Republican intelligence watchdogs in Congress.

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December 22, 2007

Clinton Discord, McCain’s Choice, and Romney’s Conservative: Inside Report by Robert D. Novak

Supporters of Sen. Hillary Clinton's presidential candidacy are privately blaming
aggressive campaigning by Bill Clinton for her recent decline in Iowa's pre-caucus polls.

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December 22, 2007

Looking for Mr. Right: A Commentary by Michael Barone

On the issues, not very much separates the front-runners for the Democratic nomination. What's interesting is that all of them are running well to the left of the only Democratic presidents in the last 40 years, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter.

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December 20, 2007

Congressional Combat: A Commentary by Larry J. Sabato

Truly important election years for the U.S. House of Representatives come around only every so often-years when party control is at stake and the House actually changes hands or the balance of power is significantly altered one way or the other.

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December 15, 2007

The Two Races for President and the Race within the Race: A Commentary By Douglas Schoen

There are two underlying trends that have emerged when examining recent poll results.

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December 15, 2007

Hill's Big Goof - In Dem Primaries, Experience Loses: A Commentary by Dick Morris

Sound familiar? A young, charismatic candidate campaigns calling for change and new directions. Defying the traditional prejudices that have kept his ilk out of the White House, his effortless good looks and measured cadence attract voters to his vision of new possibilities.

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December 13, 2007

Senate Sensibilities--A Second Democratic Year in '08?: An Overview by Larry J. Sabato

Look at recent history. The Senate has changed party control six times: in 1980 (D to R), 1986 (R to D), 1994 (D to R), 2001 (R to D), 2002 (D to R), and 2006 (R to D).

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December 13, 2007

The Oprah Factor: A Big Boost for Obama: A Commentary by Dick Morris

The era of celebrity endorsements ended some time ago. We no longer buy the shaving cream that Derek Jeter tells us to use; nor do we vote as some Hollywood actor suggests.

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December 11, 2007

Changes in the Democratic Race: A Commentary By Douglas E. Schoen

I have argued for the last couple of months that the Democratic primary race has been static, representing a strong, if not dominant position for Hillary Clinton.

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December 8, 2007

Bill Hurts, Not Helps, Hillary's Campaign: A Commentary by Dick Morris

Bill Clinton’s poll ratings are very high so Hillary figures he can be of great help to her on the campaign trail. So far, so good — but then they extrapolate that view and conclude that he would be a good person to make her negative attacks on opponents, to answer charges against her and to take the media to task for their coverage. And that’s where they are wrong.

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December 6, 2007

Hillary, Rudy Know Life After Death: A Commentary by Dick Morris

It now seems possible, and some would say probable, that both front-runners for their party nominations will be wiped out in the early caucuses and primaries.

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December 6, 2007

Presidential Politics: Not Always Easier the Second Time: A Commentary by Rhodes Cook

"It's always easier the second time around," goes the lyrics of the old song. But while that may be true in love and romance, it is certainly not the case in presidential politics.

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December 6, 2007

The Democratic Race Appears Static: A Commentary By Douglas Schoen

Several recent polls and the Real Clear Politics Averages have suggested that Hillary Clinton no longer leads the Democratic race in Iowa, raising questions about her inevitability as the Democratic nominee.

December 1, 2007

Trouble on Mitt Romney's Campaign Trail: A Commentary by Dick Morris

This is not a good time to be Mitt Romney. After almost a year of having the Iowa and New Hampshire airwaves to himself, he is now facing a challenge on the right from Mike Huckabee and Fred Thompson and on the left from Rudy Giuliani.