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Commentary by Ted Rall

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September 17, 2016

Team Clinton Attacks Trump's Lies with ... Lies By Ted Rall

Hillary Clinton's strategists have identified Donald Trump's innumerable lies as a major weakness in his campaign for president. They're smart. Trump does lie a lot. He often gets caught lying. Voters want their next president to be trustworthy.

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September 10, 2016

What Obama Doesn't want you to Know About Uzbekistan by Ted Rall

Death is usually a sad event. The passing of a world leader, particularly one who brought stability to a tense part of the Muslim world for several decades, is typically cause for concern.

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September 3, 2016

At the Clinton Foundation, Access Equals Corruption By Ted Rall

More than half of the people who managed to score a personal one on one meeting with Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State donated money to the Clinton Foundation, either as an individual or through a company where they worked. "Combined, the 85 donors contributed as much as $156 million. At least 40 donated more than $100,000 each, and 20 gave more than $1 million," the Associated Press reported.

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August 27, 2016

Trump Versus Clinton: This Election is all About the Debates By Ted Rall

Conventional wisdom says Donald Trump is going to lose, and lose big.       

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August 5, 2016

Khizr Khan and the Triumph of Democratic Militarism By Ted Rall

Against the wishes of her New York Democratic constituents, Hillary Clinton voted with Senate Republicans to invade Iraq. (It was a pivotal vote. Without Democratic support, George W. Bush's request for this war of aggression would have failed.)

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July 29, 2016

Hillary's Strategy By Ted Rall

Hillary Clinton's strategy for the general election is to try to peel away anti-Trump Republicans. That's why we are seeing her move to the right.

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July 22, 2016

Cops Shouldn't Write Tickets By Ted Rall

After years of no one -- at least not the white people who control the media -- giving a damn about what happens to black people at the hands of white cops, suddenly the terrible relationship between people and the police is a huge problem.

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July 8, 2016

Hillary Cheated By Ted Rall

Who are you going to believe: us, or your lying eyes? That's the good word from Democratic Party powers that be and their transcribers in the corporate media, in response to the "allegations" by Bernie Sanders supporters that the nomination was stolen by Hillary Clinton.

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July 1, 2016

Who's Really to Blame for Brexit and Donald Trump By Ted Rall

At this writing, securities markets and the international community are reeling at the news that British voters have opted to leave the European Union. The "Brexit" has provoked angry reactions from the pro-Remain camp, who accuse Leave voters of stupidity, shortsighted ignorance and, worse, thinly-disguised racism and nativism posing as nationalism.

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June 24, 2016

Mass Shootings are the New Normal. Get Over it By Ted Rall

What is wrong with Americans?

OK, that's a very open-ended question with many potential answers.

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June 18, 2016

To Win Bernie Voters, Hillary Must Make Big Changes By Ted Rall

Unless you follow politics closely, you could be forgiven for thinking that Hillary Clinton has locked up the Democratic presidential nomination. This is not true. She still doesn't have the requisite number of delegates. That could, and probably will, happen next month when her lead in superdelegates puts her over the top at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia -- when the superdelegates actually, you know, cast their actual votes.

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June 11, 2016

How the Media Manipulated the Democratic Primary By Ted Rall

Though it might not always seem like it, the news media is composed of human beings. Humans aren't, can't be and possibly shouldn't be objective. Still, there's a reasonable expectation among consumers of political news that journalists of all political stripes strive to be as objective as possible.

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May 16, 2016

Donald Trump Can Easily Win in November By Ted Rall

After an election season in which nothing they predicted came true -- their confidence that Donald Trump would never be the Republican nominee comes to mind -- you'd think our losing-streak corporate pundits would be reluctant to underestimate Trump's chance of winning the presidency in November.   

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May 7, 2016

Hillary to Bernie Supporters: Don't Vote For Me By Ted Rall

Hey, Bernie supporters: Hillary has a talking point for you.

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April 22, 2016

What's Up with Black Voters? By Ted Rall

Thomas Frank made a splash a decade ago with a bestseller called "What's the Matter With Kansas?" In his book, Frank attempted to answer the question: why do so many Americans -- working-class Americans -- vote against their economic and social interests -- i.e., Republican?

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April 15, 2016

Inside the Media Bubble, No One Can Hear Us Scream By Ted Rall

 "New York Times" headline, April 12: "Donald Trump, Losing Ground, Tries to Blame the System."

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March 4, 2016

FBI vs. Apple is Really About Edward Snowden By Ted Rall

The fight between Apple and the FBI has been framed as an epic battle between big tech and big government. Apple, says the Obama Administration, is siding with "its business model and public brand marketing strategy" ahead of public safety. That's not it, says Apple CEO Tim Cook. He says his company is "a staunch advocate for our customers' privacy and personal safety."   

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February 19, 2016

For Sanders and Clinton, Politics Are Personal by Ted Rall

Could the clash between Clintonian "realism" and Sandersian "idealism" come down to personal history?

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February 13, 2016

How Can Bernie Pay for his Ambitious Agenda? Slash the Military By Ted Rall

Late last year, I interviewed Bernie Sanders while working on my biography, "Bernie." I asked him if he planned to reduce the defense budget if elected president. "We will take a hard look at that," he told me, agreeing that there's an awful lot of bloat in America's military spending that ought to be cut.  

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February 5, 2016

My Critique of Hillary Clinton's Campaign By Ted Rall

Last week, I handicapped the Bernie Sanders campaign. He since pulled off an upset in the Iowa Caucus, where he overcame a 40-point lead by Hillary Clinton to a virtual tie so even that coin tosses and bureaucratic incompetence may have made a difference.