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Commentary by Froma Harrop

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October 8, 2009

Health Care Reform Helps Every Generation By Froma Harrop

In terms of health coverage, one date separates the most secure Americans from the least secure: a person's 65th birthday. Age 65 is when one qualifies for Medicare, the government insurance program for the elderly and disabled. It's become a source of intergenerational strife -- not so much between the old and young as between the old and the nearly old.

White letter R on blue background
October 1, 2009

Fix Health Care Now, Remove Warts Later By Froma Harrop

"Rome was not built in a day," Montana Democrat Max Baucus said with resignation after the Senate committee he heads voted to reject a "public option." A government-run health plan that would compete with private insurers' offerings, the public option is a means to curb spiraling health care costs.

White letter R on blue background
September 29, 2009

Liberals -- Choose Your Friends Wisely By Froma Harrop

Nearly as unappetizing as the video of ACORN workers explaining how to run a prostitution business, cheat on taxes and import underage streetwalkers from Central America is the presence of Michael Moore's mug on TV screens everywhere.

White letter R on blue background
September 24, 2009

Lindsay Lohan and the Crash of Fashion By Froma Harrop

Every time the economy swoons and the racks groan with the weight of unsold women's clothing, purveyors of fashion talk up "investment dressing." Investment dressing entails buying a few well-constructed garments that will endure both physically and stylistically for several years.

White letter R on blue background
September 22, 2009

Canada and France Also Have Health Care Debates By Froma Harrop

The debate over what kind of health care system we should have often includes the kinds others have. The programs in Canada and France have received special attention, and so those countries' efforts to fix their own programs should be of interest.

White letter R on blue background
September 18, 2009

What Americans Really Want Is Health Care Reform By Froma Harrop

"Obama's Speech Doesn't Turn the Tide," reads an ABC News headline about new poll results on public reaction to the president's address on health care reform. An interesting take, given that the tide doesn't need turning.

White letter R on blue background
September 15, 2009

'Heads I Win, Tails I'm Bailed Out' By Froma Harrop

President Obama was on Wall Street, calling for a new regulatory regime to prevent a financial panic like the one set off a year ago. "We will not go back to the days of reckless behavior and unchecked excess that was at the heart of this crisis," he said.

White letter R on blue background
September 8, 2009

Holder Should Do Some Remembering By Froma Harrop

America will soon mark the eighth anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. The replays of burning buildings and piercing screams will bring back jagged memories of that horrific day.

White letter R on blue background
September 4, 2009

Cracked Justice Enabled Girl Rape Case By Froma Harrop

Many astounding details surround the story of the California rapist who kidnapped an 11-year-old and kept her captive for 18 years. None shocks more than the raw fact that Phillip Garrido was not locked up, the key lost.

White letter R on blue background
September 1, 2009

Biggest Danger to Democrats By Froma Harrop

Flip the calendar pages -- as they do in the old movies to show passage of time -- and stop at Nov. 2, 2010. That will be Election Day. How Congress handles health care reform will influence which party gets to party that night.

White letter R on blue background
August 27, 2009

The Liberal Lion, With Asterisks By Froma Harrop

They called him "The Liberal Lion." Ted Kennedy deserved that title, though with some asterisks added. There's no reconciling Kennedy worshippers with the Kennedy haters. But those who can deal with shades of gray will pay tribute to the legendary Massachusetts senator who championed landmark legislation through bipartisan cooperation -- but whose sense of family privilege didn't always serve the interests of democracy.

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August 25, 2009

Children Should Not Be Props on Reality TV By Froma Harrop

In the beginning, "Jon & Kate Plus 8" had a sweet charm. The little ones would scamper and shout toddler things, as their harried parents tried to keep order.

White letter R on blue background
August 20, 2009

Democrats Must Fix Health Care Alone By Froma Harrop

Early on as New York mayor, Ed Koch went to battle against entrenched interests that were bankrupting the city.

White letter R on blue background
August 18, 2009

Free-Market Death Panels By Froma Harrop

"Death panels"? I'll tell you about death panels. My husband faced one some years ago, and it didn't involve any government bureaucrat. It was run by our private insurer, the sort of corporate entity that foes of health care reform say will give you anything you want.

White letter R on blue background
August 13, 2009

Health Reformers Need Not Fear Mob Scenes By Froma Harrop

Craig Anthony Miller earned brief fame by screaming something about the Constitution in the face of Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter. A woman followed with the same scripted rant. The subject of the meeting in Lebanon, Pa., was to be health care, and the goal of the organized mobs was to disrupt it.

White letter R on blue background
August 11, 2009

Greedy Geezers Are Not Nice People By Froma Harrop

Let's talk about greedy geezers. The term displeases me because I find the vast majority of older people to be wonderfully generous and concerned for others.

White letter R on blue background
August 6, 2009

No, Red States Are Not Better Than Blue States By Froma Harrop

In an entertaining but silly political game, partisans score points by comparing statistics of so-called red states and blue states. Conservative Ross Douthat does that in a recent column, "Blue-State Blues."

White letter R on blue background
August 4, 2009

Cash for Clunkers Means 'Ca-Ching' for Detroit By Froma Harrop

This is what I told my friend Frank: Under the "cash for clunkers" program, you could get more money for your '93 Mercury Grand Marquis than it was worth -- up to $4,500 if you used it to buy a new vehicle with much better gas mileage.

White letter R on blue background
July 31, 2009

Republicans Looking Crazy on Health Care By Froma Harrop

Some attacks on health care reform are so ludicrous that you don't think they need answering. A recent example invokes an evil plot to save money by knocking off the elderly. Though nuts, the charges have gotten so much attention that someone has to actually say, "No, they're not killing Grandma."

White letter R on blue background
July 28, 2009

Pot Could Be Gold for California By Froma Harrop

The popular TV series "Weeds" is about a widowed suburban mother who deals pot to preserve her family's cushy California dream. Not a few Californians would like to see the theme writ large for their state. California has legalized medical marijuana, its cannabis crop is valued at $17 billion a year, and people there smoke pot openly. But the state can't collect a penny of revenues from the enormous enterprise.