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Commentary by Froma Harrop

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December 22, 2009

About the So-Called Republican Moderates By Froma Harrop

Many have bemoaned the near-extinction of the political species known as the moderate Republican. Once thriving in cold habitats, particularly New England, socially liberal but fiscally conservative Republicans were gradually displaced by Democrats. The loss of these bridge-builders has left the Republican Party largely in the hands of the bridge-burners, and to the detriment of America.

White letter R on blue background
December 18, 2009

Joe Lieberman's Big Picture By Froma Harrop

When Joe Lieberman said he would probably support the health care legislation -- now that the public option and Medicare buy-in are being stripped out -- the Democrat-turned-independent should have rightfully faded from the headlines. But the senator from Connecticut made sure that didn't happen by telling CNN that he might run again as a Republican.

White letter R on blue background
December 15, 2009

Sin Taxes Are a Shame By Froma Harrop

Sly industry-sponsored ads in which ordinary Americans worry about some scheme in Congress generally irritate me. A grunt greeted the TV spot you've no doubt seen: A woman unloading groceries frets over a proposed "tax on juice, milk and soda" as Americans like her count every penny.

White letter R on blue background
December 10, 2009

"Socialized Medicine"? Whatever By Froma Harrop

So it's come down to this. Republicans and some Democrats wouldn't vote for a government-run health plan that competed with private insurers -- though it would enjoy no special taxpayer subsidies. That's socialism.

White letter R on blue background
December 8, 2009

America's Clean-Energy Defeatists By Froma Harrop

The United States used to be the can-do country. A respect for science married to the entrepreneurial spirit propelled America to the forefront of global progress and made it rich. But a late-20th century malaise had crept in, fueled by a conservative hostility to modern science and public investment.

White letter R on blue background
December 1, 2009

Working on Apps Not Abs By Froma Harrop

This is a nation of goose-necked children hunched over their electronics in front of a TV. They will turn into goose-necked adults with vitamin D deficiencies, the result of spending their sunny hours downloading songs in darkened rooms. Obesity will plague many of them.

White letter R on blue background
November 28, 2009

Whom Can You Trust on Climate Change? By Froma Harrop

When President Obama attends the United Nations meeting on climate in Copenhagen, you can be sure that the deniers of global warming will go on a romp.

White letter R on blue background
November 24, 2009

Insane Debate Over Wasted Medical Spending By Froma Harrop

Doctors would jab sharp instruments into King Henry VIII's arm and drain blood out of his body. The best medical minds of the 16th century prescribed bloodletting as a means to "rebalance the body's humors," the spring equinox being the ideal time. Henry didn't argue with his physicians. After all, Tudor England had the best health care system in the world.

White letter R on blue background
November 19, 2009

The Civic Price of Courting Corporations By Froma Harrop

Amtrak riders passing through New London, Conn., can catch an odd sight in an otherwise picturesque New England setting: a fancy corporate center standing next to a street grid emptied of nearly all its buildings. This used to be the Fort Trumbull neighborhood, a working class enclave that would have been largely forgotten had it not been central to a controversial 2005 U.S. Supreme Court ruling on eminent domain -- the government's right to take private property for public use.

White letter R on blue background
November 17, 2009

The Party of Fiscal Babies By Froma Harrop

Nearly every Republican these days calls for tax cuts and lower deficits, and in the same sentence. Point out that these goals clash -- that taxes pay for government and not paying for government causes deficits, and the Republican counters, "We must shrink government, instead."

White letter R on blue background
November 12, 2009

Casinos Take Money From States By Froma Harrop

In Las Vegas, house prices have dropped 55 percent since peaking in August 2006, and the foreclosure rate is seven times the national average. Gigantic new condo towers sit nearly empty (real-estate pros call them "see-through buildings"), and unemployment tops 13 percent. The recession has sent casino revenues plunging 20 percent from two years ago.

White letter R on blue background
November 10, 2009

Two Dots Don't Make a Political Map By Froma Harrop

It is the duty of every pundit to be all-knowing on what the recent elections mean for the future of American politics. They may have only three dots to connect -- and two dots may have been state-level contests mostly about local issues -- but the confident ones plot detailed maps of political change.

White letter R on blue background
November 5, 2009

The Tea-Baggers Were Carpetbaggers By Froma Harrop

The Tea Party wing of the Republican Party had the perfect strategy for upstate New York's 23rd congressional district:

White letter R on blue background
November 3, 2009

The Population Boomerang in Iran By Froma Harrop

Iranian students are engaging this week in Round Two of their street-level struggle for reform. Round One took place last June, when young people protested the fixed re-election of President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

White letter R on blue background
October 29, 2009

What Does the FHA Think It Is Doing? By Froma Harrop

Exactly who made Bernadine Shimon think that she could buy a new house shortly after declaring bankruptcy and losing another home to foreclosure? The American taxpayer, that's who.

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October 27, 2009

The Phantom of the Option By Froma Harrop

The public option, we hear, is about to take earthly form. While congressional leaders working to combine five health care reform bills will determine its final shape, a government-run health plan to compete with the private offerings will almost surely become reality. And the specter of a populist uprising against it will haunt centrist Democrats no more.

White letter R on blue background
October 22, 2009

'America's Best Idea' Meets One of the Worst By Froma Harrop

The Ken Burns series "The National Parks: America's Best Idea" got me thinking about one of America's worst ideas, the war on drugs. Particularly ill-conceived is the crusade against marijuana.

White letter R on blue background
October 20, 2009

Social Security: Every Politician's Toy? By Froma Harrop

Social Security is a glossy piece of paper on which nearly every politician wants to finger-paint an agenda. But Social Security has no need of ornament. It is a very grown-up program. Put some other toy into the political playpen.

White letter R on blue background
October 15, 2009

Science and the Female Brain By Froma Harrop

The recent award of Nobel Prizes in biology and chemistry to three women dredges up Larry Summers' suggestion in 2005 that differences in the female brain may account for the dearth of top women scientists. Now President Obama's economic adviser, Summers was then speechifying as president of Harvard.

White letter R on blue background
October 13, 2009

Weary of Culinary Spectacle, Spending and Sport By Froma Harrop

I must be the only "foodie" who didn't love "Julie & Julia," the movie about Julia Child and the office worker she inspired, Julie Powell. Am I allowed?