Confidence in Housing Market Declines
In a potential signal of declining economic optimism, homeowners are becoming less confident in the resale value of their homes.
In a potential signal of declining economic optimism, homeowners are becoming less confident in the resale value of their homes.
Economic confidence decreased to 85.8 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, more than three points lower than September.
Despite billions of dollars in federal spending to help the homeless, most Americans believe the problem has gotten worse.
With the stock market tumbling, a majority of Americans think it’s likely there’s an economic depression in the future.
A majority of Americans say they live in racially diverse neighborhoods, and view the country’s diversity as a positive factor.
As the use of debit and credit cards increases, fewer Americans now are paying cash for most purchases.
The price of gasoline has decreased significantly in the past two months, but most Americans continue to think they’ll be paying more at the pump in the future.
Economic confidence increased to 89.4 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, slightly higher than August.
The federal government is spending billions of dollars to promote electric vehicles, but most Americans still don’t consider them practical.
As we did in election year 2020, Rasmussen Reports again offers sponsored polling services to all U.S.-based political issue groups and political campaigns at both a national and state level. Groups and campaigns from all parts of the U.S. political spectrum are welcome to participate – left, right and center. All are welcome to apply to sponsor a co-branded Rasmussen Reports poll.
Barely a third of Americans think lawyers are trustworthy, and the legal profession’s reputation hasn’t improved much in recent years.
Economic confidence increased to 89.3 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, more than 10 points higher than July.
Fewer than one-in-five workers think they could advance their careers by leaving their current jobs, and most expect a raise within a year.
Americans have noticed they’re paying higher grocery prices, and most expect the cost of food to keep going up.
Negative opinions about the job market have increased since spring and, by a 12-point margin, more Americans expect unemployment to increase in the next year.
Economic confidence decreased to 78.6 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, nearly 10 points lower than June. The index is now at its lowest point since it began in 2014.
The past six months have seen a dramatic increase in gasoline prices, most Americans expect the cost to continue rising.
Even though a majority of Americans can imagine a future where most jobs are done by robots, few believe their own job could be one of those.
Most Americans support efforts to increase diversity in the workforce, but believe this is likely to lead to racial and gender quotas, and most don’t think diversity efforts are improving race relations.
Economic confidence increased to 88.2 in this month’s Rasmussen Reports Economic Index, a half-point higher than May, when a sharp drop took the index to its lowest point in eight years.