Questions - Heartland Institute: Climate Change - April 29-May 3, 2021
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of 2,000 Likely Voters by Pulse Opinion Research
29-May 3, 2021
1. How often do you consume news or opinion content online, in print, or on television each week? Nearly every day, three to five days per week, or one to two days per week?
2. Where do you primarily read or watch news and opinion content? Cable television (such as CNN or Fox News), network television, online news or commentary websites, Youtube or other social media, talk radio, streaming services, or a mix of services?
3. Among cable news outlets, which one would you characterize as your favorite? CNN, MSNBC, Fox News or another?
4. Among network news outlets, which one would you characterize as your favorite? ABC, CBS, NBC, or another?
5. Generally speaking, would you say the news and opinion content you read and watch is mostly conservative, somewhat conservative, mostly liberal, somewhat liberal, or neither conservative nor liberal?
6. Is climate change caused primarily by human activity or by long-term planetary trends?
7. How many degrees (measured in Fahrenheit) has global temperature increased since the late 1800s? Less than 1 degree, 1 degree to 3 degrees, 3 degrees to 5 degrees, 5 degrees to 10 degrees, 10 degrees to 20 degrees, or more than 20 degrees Fahrenheit?
8. If global carbon-dioxide emissions continue to increase at a rate comparable to what occurred during the past decade, how many years do you think it will take for humans to become completely or nearly extinct due to climate change? 10 to 20 years, 20 to 50 years, 50 to 100 years, or more than 100 years?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 2 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence