Questions - Banks Too Big To Fail - March 19-20, 2013
Plurality Believes Federal Deposit Insurance Limits Should Be Less than $250,000
50% Favor Breaking Up Nation’s Largest Banks
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National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted March 19-20, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Is it
better for the U.S. financial system to have more competition and less
regulation or more regulation and less competition?
2* There
are more than 5,000 banks in the United States. However, just 12 megabanks
control about 69% of the banking industry. Would you favor or oppose a plan to
break up the megabanks?
3* The
federal government provides these dozen megabanks with nearly $100 billion in
subsidies every year. Should the federal government continue to provide these
subsidies to the largest banks?
4* The
federal government provides insurance to protect deposits made in regulated
banks. That way, if a bank fails, people who have a checking or savings account
will not lose their money. Should the federal government provide deposit
insurance to protect those who place money in a bank?
5* There
are limits on deposit insurance, meaning wealthier Americans are not fully
protected. If someone has a lot of money in a bank that fails, they could
theoretically lose some of their money. Is it fair to fully protect the
deposits for lower-income and middle class Americans while only partially
protecting the wealthy?
6* To
fully protect the deposits of lower and middle-income Americans, the insurance
should cover the amount of money they might have in the bank at any one time.
Should the deposit insurance limit be set at $10,000, $25,000, $50,000,
$100,000, $250,000, $500,000, or more?
7* If
wealthy Americans aren’t fully protected, will they be careful to only place
their money in the most financially secure banks?
8* To
prevent any one bank from posing too great a risk to taxpayers, should there be
a limit to how many insured deposits any one bank can accept?
9* Some
people say that the largest banks and finance companies are “too big to fail.”
Suppose some of the largest banks in the country reach a point where they can
no longer meet their obligations. Should the government let the banks go out of
business or find a way to keep them in business?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence