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2008 Presidential Election

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July 5, 2008

Libertarians Favor Obama and Other Looks at Election 2008

Libertarian voters make up 4% of the nation’s likely voters and they favor Barack Obama over John McCain by a 53% to 38% margin.

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July 1, 2008

42% Think Obama’s Public Funding Decision Was Smart, 40% Find it Hypocritical

Americans’ opinions are split on Barack Obama’s recent decision to opt out of public funding for his presidential campaign. A recent Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 42% of adults believe his decision was smart, while 40% think it was hypocritical.

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June 30, 2008

McCain, Obama Talk Immigration, Media Misses the Point

Following the lead of the United States Senate, most media coverage of the immigration debate misses the point. For example, a recent Associated Press story noted that since both Presidential candidates support a path to citizenship, immigration reform won’t be a “major point of differentiation” between them.

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June 25, 2008

Just 37% Believe Clinton Wants Obama to Win

Just 37% of voters nationwide think that Hillary Clinton wants Barack Obama to win the White House this November. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 33% disagree and say that Clinton does not want an Obama victory. Thirty percent (30%) are not sure.

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June 22, 2008

63% Say McCain Sees U.S. as Fair and Decent Society, 45% Say Obama Holds That View

Sixty-three percent (63%) of Likely Voters in the United States say that John McCain views American society as generally fair and decent. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that only 14% think McCain views the nation as primarily unfair and discriminatory.

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June 20, 2008

Opting Out of Public Funding Unlikely to Hurt Obama

Despite all the agonized media coverage of Barack Obama’s decision to opt out of public funding for Election 2008, the decision is likely to have little impact on Obama’s standing with voters. A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that just 30% of voters favor public funding and just 16% say it is Very Important in determining their vote.

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June 19, 2008

Obama Reverses Course on Public Funding

Barack Obama reversed course today and said he will not rely on public funding for his presidential campaign, breaking a pledge he made to pursue such an arrangement with his Republican rival John McCain.

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June 17, 2008

Voters See Big Differences Between Obama and McCain, Expect Close Election

Just 14% of voters believe there’s not much difference between Barack Obama and John McCain in terms of how they’ll actually perform as President. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that 77% disagreed and see a significant difference.

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June 12, 2008

Most Voters Say Lobbyists Part of Any White House Campaign

Nearly three out of five voters (57%) believe it is not possible to run for the presidency without the help of lobbyists and special interest groups, even as the Obama campaign purged itself of an official with ties to the subprime lending crisis.

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June 10, 2008

61% Say Obama, McCain Wives Influence Vote

Three out of five American voters (61%) say their perception of a presidential candidate’s wife is at least somewhat important to how they vote.

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June 9, 2008

Public Perceptions of Obama and McCain Shifting Rapidly

Rasmussen Reports data shows that public perceptions of both Barack Obama and John McCain are shifting rapidly during Election 2008. That same data suggests perceptions will continue to change through Election Day.

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June 9, 2008

77% Like McCain Proposal for Ten Town Hall Debates

Seventy-seven percent (77%) of voters nationwide say John McCain’s call for a series of ten Town Hall debates is a good idea.

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June 8, 2008

Voters Give Media Failing Grades in Objectivity for Election 2008

Just 17% of voters nationwide believe that most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage of election campaigns. A Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that four times as many—68%--believe most reporters try to help the candidate that they want to win.

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June 8, 2008

30% of Voters Could Change Their Mind Between Now and Election Day—56% Are Women

The first full round of tracking poll interviews after Barack Obama clinched the Democratic Presidential Nomination found that 36% of voters nationwide say they are certain to vote for Obama in November and 34% are certain they will vote for McCain. That leaves a very significant 30% who are not certain to support either of the presumptive nominees.

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June 7, 2008

Only 18% Say McCain Should Pick Lieberman for VP

Just 18% of voters believe that John McCain should reach across party lines and select Connecticut Senator Joe Lieberman as his Vice-Presidential running mate. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey found that 42% say he should not offer the job to Lieberman while 40% are not sure.

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June 6, 2008

41% Say Obama Too Inexperienced, 30% Say McCain Too Old

As the general election campaign gets started, 41% of voters nationwide say that Barack Obama is too inexperienced to be President while 30% say John McCain is too old. The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey found that 6% of voters believe both statements are true while 24% say neither is accurate.

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June 5, 2008

51% of Democrats Back Obama-Clinton Ticket

Fifty-one percent (51%) of Democrats polled in a new Rasmussen Reports telephone survey think Barack Obama should pick Hillary Rodham Clinton as his running mate, even as the former first lady and her surrogates push for a so-called Democratic "dream ticket."

June 5, 2008

78% Would Vote For Black Candidate; Less Sure of Friends

Nearly four out of five Americans (78%) polled since Barack Obama clinched enough delegates to be the Democratic nominee say they could vote for an African-American for president, but they think only 61%of their family, friends and co-workers are willing to do the same.

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June 5, 2008

Economy Tops National Security As New Voter Concern

On Election Day 2004, with 9/11 still strong in the national memory and
the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ominipresent, 41% said national security
was the most important issue determining their vote. By contrast, 26% rated
economic issues as the number one factor.

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June 4, 2008

Nearly 60% Say No Talks with Iran until Nuclear Program Is Halted

Forty-five percent (45%) of likely voters agree with Democratic presidential contender Barack Obama that it's a good idea for the U.S. president to meet directly with the leader of Iran, but well over half (59%) think that talks should only take place after Iran stops developing nuclear weapons.