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Commentary By Stephen Moore

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February 2, 2021

Biden Wants to Kill 80% of America's Energy by Stephen Moore

When giving speeches and talking to audiences, I've often been struck by how few Americans, even those who are highly educated, have any idea where the energy they use in their home or business comes from. I've asked college students where the electric power is generated, and they shrug and then point to the electric socket in the wall. The electric currents just come magically through that plug.

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January 26, 2021

The Left Wants Unconditional Surrender, Not Unity By Stephen Moore

About two years ago, one of my wife's best friends began to turn down invitations to get together. Then, out of the blue, she unfriended my wife on Facebook.

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January 19, 2021

Get Ready for More Obama-Era Green Energy Scams By Stephen Moore

With Democrats about to control all the levers of power in Washington, the biggest winners might be the wind and solar companies. These firms' stocks continue to surge mostly because President-elect Joe Biden has pledged to invest several hundred billion dollars in green energy through a pipeline of taxpayer-funded grants, loans, tax credits and loan guarantees.

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January 12, 2021

Liberalism Will Be Unleashed -- and Will Fail Again By Stephen Moore

We were all told that 2021 would be a better year for the country, but the first two weeks could hardly have been worse. The left is out to discredit not just President Donald Trump and his indefensible behavior since the election but also his ideas. They are triumphantly saying that free market conservatism is dead and that the era of big government is back with a vengeance. Not so fast.

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January 5, 2021

Coronavirus for Dummies By Stephen Moore

We are now almost one year from the dark days when the coronavirus first hit these shores. Why are the politicians' making the same policy mistakes today that they made nine months ago? The 300,000+ deaths are an act of nature, but the virus's death and despair have been compounded by acts of man -- i.e., foolish politicians.

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December 29, 2020

Free Mitch Rutledge By Stephen Moore

Nearly everyone has seen the classic movie "The Shawshank Redemption." Well, it turns out there is a real life "Red" Redding, the character played by Morgan Freeman. He is in prison in Alabama. He has been there for nearly 40 years. He was guilty of his crime: a murder he committed as a teenager in a drug operation. But so many people who have interacted with Rutledge in prison see the similarities in character with Red.

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December 22, 2020

Lockdowns Are the Great Unequalizer By Stephen Moore

Democrats and their liberal economic advisers obsess about income inequality. Will someone please tell them that no act in modern times has widened the gap between the rich and the poor more than the lockdowns going on right now?

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December 15, 2020

Potential 900% Tariffs on Mattresses Could Wallop Consumers By Stephen Moore

When import tariffs are under discussion in Washington, D.C., they typically revolve around rates of 5% to 25% on foreign goods.

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December 8, 2020

Trump Shouldn't Fall for Queen Nancy Pelosi's Gambit By Stephen Moore

Judging from the fake news media's collective primal scream this weekend, you would think the American economy were lying flat on its back in the intensive care unit. Yes, the economy has been battered in blue states that have masochistically shut down their hometown businesses. But in most red states that are keeping commerce flowing despite a second deadly wave of the virus, unemployment is typically below 6%.

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December 1, 2020

Bad News for Progressives: It's Still a Conservative Country By Stephen Moore

It's not exactly clear how it happened. No one expected it, least of all the media and pollsters. But that promised big blue wave of Democratic victories across the country turned instead into a red tidal wave from coast to coast. Most progressive ballot issues in the states -- from tax increases to racial preferences -- also came crashing down.

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November 24, 2020

Paris Climate Treaty Puts America Last By Stephen Moore

Here we are in the midst of the second wave of a once-in-a-half-century pandemic, with the economy flattened and millions of Americans unemployed and race riots in the streets of our major cities. And Joe Biden says that one of his highest priorities as president will be to ... reenter the Paris Climate Accord.

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November 17, 2020

Why the Media Trash Trump's Superrecovery By Stephen Moore

Let's be honest: The Democrats and the media want the economy to crash before Joe Biden enters the White House in January. They have been rooting against the economy for four years now.

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November 10, 2020

I Guess God Isn't a Republican? By Stephen Moore

Think back to one year ago this month. America was at peace. American troops were coming home from the hotspots around the world. Incomes and jobs were skyrocketing, and Americans had made more wage and salary gains in three years under President Donald Trump than in the previous 16 years under Presidents George Bush and Barack Obama. The swamp was being drained.

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November 3, 2020

Biden's War Against the South By Stephen Moore

Joe Biden has said he wants to be president of ALL the states and that he doesn't see red states and blue states. But his economic policies are a de facto war against the high-growth red states of the South and the Sunbelt. We are talking about states such as Texas, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, North Carolina and Arizona.

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October 27, 2020

Is the Stock Market Telling Us That Trump Will Win? By Stephen Moore

Why is the stock market so high? I get asked this riddle every day.

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October 20, 2020

Biden's 7 Economic Deadly Sins By Stephen Moore

Joe Biden keeps claiming to be a centrist Democrat.

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October 13, 2020

No, Joe, There Was No Economic Boom Under Obama By Stephen Moore

The great Jackie Gleason once said, "The past remembers better than it lived." And so it is, apparently, with the Obama years.

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October 6, 2020

Just Who Is the Real Blue-Collar President? By Stephen Moore

One thing we learned from the debate in Cleveland last Tuesday, when Trump wasn't interrupting, is that Joe Biden makes up numbers on the fly. There was a lot of fibbing going on. Consider this exchange between the two candidates:

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September 29, 2020

No, the United States Is Not Systemically Racist By Stephen Moore

In the second half of the 20th century, from 1950 to 2000, Black people in the United States experienced much larger income gains than whites did. The group that had the largest income gains, by far, was Black women. Their incomes nearly doubled over that period (after inflation). The race gap persists, but it is much lower today than it was in 1950. Does this sound like the financial result from a systemically racist country?

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September 22, 2020

Biden Anti-Business Agenda Would Wreck the Economy By Stephen Moore

The Democrats are rewriting history, celebrating the Obama record on the economy as if these were the salad days for America. In Washington parlance, that is called "misremembering." The reality is that the Obama tax-and-regulate agenda led to the weakest economic recovery from a recession since the Great Depression.