Questions - Supreme Court and Obama - September 30-October 1, 2010
See Article
See Toplines
See Crosstabs set I and set II
National Survey of 1,000 Likely
Conducted September 30-October 1, 2010
By Rasmussen Reports
Generally speaking, how do you rate the way that the Supreme Court is doing its
job—Excellent, Good, Fair, or Poor?
2* Should the Supreme Court make decisions
based on what's written in the Constitution and legal precedents or should it
be guided mostly by a sense of fairness and justice?
3* How does the Supreme Court work
today? Does it make decisions primarily based on what's written in the
Constitution and legal precedents or is it guided mostly by a sense of fairness
and justice?
4* Do most Supreme Court Justices
have their own political agenda or do they generally remain impartial?
5* In
political terms is the Supreme Court too liberal, too conservative, or about
6* Are
Supreme Court justices nominated by Barack Obama be too liberal, too conservative, or about right?
7* Some people say that there is a
natural tension between protecting individual rights and national security. In
NOTE: Margin of
Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence