Toplines - Media Bias - September 8, 2008
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Daily Snapshot
Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted September 8, 2008
By Rasmussen Reports
1* When covering a political
campaign, do most reporters try to offer unbiased coverage or do they try to
help the candidate they want to win?
Offer unbiased coverage
69% Try to help the candidate
they want to win
10% Not sure
2* Think for a moment about the
three major presidential candidates this year. Which candidate received the
best treatment from the media so far—Barack Obama, Hillary Clinton, or John
57% Barack
9% Hillary Clinton
21% John McCain
13% Not sure
3* Looking ahead to the campaign
between Barack Obama and John McCain, will most reporters try to help Barack Obama,
offer unbiased coverage, or try to help John McCain?
Try to help Barack Obama
26% Offer unbiased coverage
11% Try to help John McCain
13% Not sure
4* Suppose
a reporter learned some news that might politically hurt a candidate they
wanted to win. Would most reporters hide that information to help the
42% Yes
34% No
24% Not sure
5* When it comes to information
about the Presidential campaign, who do you trust more—news reporters or family
and friends?
News reporters
46% Family and friends
22% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence