Questions - Debates - October 23-24, 2012
Who Won the Debates? 49% Say Romney, 41% Obama
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National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted October 23-24, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Thinking
about this year’s presidential debates, did you watch some or
all of one debate, some or all of two debates, some or all of
three debates, or did you not watch any of them?
2* Overall,
thinking of all three debates, who won the debates - Mitt Romney or President
Obama? (Asked of 919 Voters Who Watched At Least Some of the Debates)
3* Which candidate explained his positions more
clearly….President Obama or Mitt Romney? (Asked of 919 Voters Who Watched At
Least Some of the Debates)
4* Did the
moderators try to help President Obama, try to help Mitt Romney or play a
neutral role in this year's debates? (Asked of 919 Voters Who Watched At Least
Some of the Debates)
5* In terms
of how you will vote, how important were the presidential debates?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error,
+/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence