Questions - Health Care Exchange - November 9-10, 2013
55% Favor Repeal of Obamacare
46% Think Obama Lied About Impact of Health Law, 45% Disagree
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Presidential Tracking Survey
Conducted November
9-10, 2013
Survey of 1,000
Likely Voters
1* Will
the new health care law be good for the country or bad for the country? Or will
it have no impact?
2* How do you
rate the way the Obama administration has responded to the problems associated
with the new health care law – excellent, good, fair or poor?
3* Before Congress passed the new health care law, did
President Obama purposely mislead Americans about its potential impact, or did
he honestly expect the law to work out the way he said it would?
4* Should
Americans be allowed to keep their current health insurance policies even if
those policies do not meet the standards set by the new health care law?
5* Do you
strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose a proposal
to repeal the new health care law?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95%
level of confidence