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Questions - Election 2016: Economy - May 17-18, 2016

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National Survey of 1,000 U.S. Likely Voters

Conducted May 17-18, 2016
By Rasmussen Reports


1* In terms of how you will vote in the upcoming presidential election, how important is the issue of the economy?


2* How do you rate the way President Obama is handling the economy?


3* If elected president, will Hillary Clinton do a better job or a worse job than President Obama when it comes to handling the economy? Or will her performance in this area be about the same?


4* If elected president, will Donald Trump do a better job or a worse job than President Obama when it comes to handling the economy? Or will his performance in this area be about the same?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/-3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence