Questions - Immigrant Voters - May 27-28, 2015
Support Remains Strong for Showing Photo ID Before Voting
Most Democrats Think Illegal Immigrants Should Vote
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National Survey of 952
Likely Voters
Conducted May 27-28, 2015
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Should voters be required
to show photo identification such as a driver’s license before being allowed to
2* Should illegal immigrants be allowed to vote if they can
prove that they live in this country and pay taxes?
3* The size of legislative districts for state voting purposes
are determined by the number of people living in them. In setting the size of
these districts, should states count only eligible voters or all residents
including illegal immigrants?
4* Which happens more often—that people are prevented from
voting who should be allowed to vote or that people are allowed to vote who are
not eligible to vote?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence