Questions - Gun Crimes - May 8-9, 2013
64% Who Favor More Gun Control Believe Gun Crime Has Gone Up
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Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted May 8-9, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Does
the United States need stricter gun control laws?
2* Should someone who commits a crime with a gun be punished more
severely than someone who does not use a gun when committing a crime?
3* Has gun crime in the United States gone up or down in the last
20 years? Or has it stayed about the same?
4* Are there more gun owners or fewer gun owners in America today
than there were 20 years ago? Or is the number of gun owners about the same?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95%
level of confidence