Questions - Obama-Romney Comparison - May 26-27, 2012
Only 19% See Obama, Romney As Best Possible Presidential Candidates
48% Agree With Romney on Issues, 46% Say Same of Obama
46% See Obama-Romney Race as Choice of Lesser of Two Evils
See Toplines
Platinum Page
National Survey of 1,000 Likely
Conducted May 26-27, 2012
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Do President Obama and Mitt
Romney agree on just about everything, agree on most important issues, disagree
on most important issues, or disagree on just about everything?
2* Are Barack Obama and Mitt Romney the best two people to be
running for President?
3* When looking at a choice between
Obama and Romney, is it a choice you are excited about or will you simply be
voting for the lesser of two evils?
4* Do you agree with President
Obama on just about everything, agree on most important issues, disagree on
most important issues, or disagree on just about everything?
5* Do you agree with Mitt Romney on
just about everything, agree on most important issues, disagree on most
important issues, or disagree on just about everything?
NOTE: Margin of
Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence