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Questions - Iran - March 16-17, 2015

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National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters

Conducted March 16-17, 2015

By Rasmussen Reports


1* The Obama administration is seeking a 10-year freeze on Iran's nuclear development program in exchange for lifting some sanctions on the Iranian economy. Do you favor or oppose such a deal?


2* Forty-seven Republican Senators recently signed a letter to the leaders of Iran raising their concerns about that country's nuclear negotiations with senior U.S. government officials.  Did the senators have the legal right to send a letter to foreign leaders who are currently in negotiations with the United States?

3* Will the senators' letter to Iranian leaders help or hurt the negotiations between the United States and Iran, or will it have no impact? 

4* Was the decision by Senate Republicans to send the letter to Iran made because of genuine national security concerns or was it more about politics?

5* Should any agreement the Obama administration makes with Iran regarding the Iranian nuclear program require the approval of Congress?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence