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Questions - Hillary Clinton and Jeb Bush - March 4-5, 2014

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National Survey of 1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted March 4-5, 2014
By Rasmussen Reports

1* Suppose the 2016 presidential election were held today. If you had a choice between Republican Jeb Bush and Democrat Hillary Clinton, for whom would you vote?


2* Is Hillary Clinton too old to be president?


3* Does the fact that his father and his brother have both served as president make you more likely or less likely to vote for Jeb Bush?


4* There has been a Bush or a Clinton running in every presidential election but one since 1988. How worried are you that the United States is developing an unofficial group of royal families with too much influence over government and politics?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence