Questions - Health Care Update - June 18 & 21, 2015
Should Free Market Preside Over Health Care?
See Toplines
See Crosstabs
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National Survey of 1,000
Likely Voters
Conducted June 18 and 21, 2015
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed recent news reports about the new
national health care law?
2* In terms of reforming health care, which is more
important—reducing the cost of health care or making sure that everyone has
health insurance?
3* What would do more to reduce health care costs—more free
market competition between insurance companies or more government regulation?
4* What would do more to reduce health care costs—having the
federal government establish a single set of standards and regulations for
health care or letting states compete to determine the most effective standards
and guidelines?
5* As part of health care reform, should the government limit the
amount of money a jury can award a plaintiff in a medical malpractice lawsuit?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence