Questions - Afghanistan - June 22-23, 2011
48% Say Al Qaeda Weaker Now Than Before 9/11
51% Want All U.S. Troops Out of Afghanistan Within A Year
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National Survey of
1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted June 22-23, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
How closely have you followed recent news reports about the war in Afghanistan?
Should all U.S. Troops be brought home from
Afghanistan immediately? Those who answered “no” or “not sure” to this question
were asked “Should a firm timetable be established to bring all U.S. troops
home from Afghanistan within a year?” The combined results are presented.
Is Al Qaeda stronger today than before the 9/11 attacks, weaker today than
before the 9/11 attacks or are they about the same?
The war in Afghanistan has now been going on for over nine
years. Has the war in
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence