Questions - Immigration and Border Security - July 8-9, 2014
Americans See Limits on Citizenship for Children of Illegals As Best Way to Stop Illegal Immigration
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National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted July 8-9,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How
important is it to secure the border to prevent future illegal immigration?
2* I am
going to read you a list of proposals that some believe would prevent future
illegal immigration… For each, please let me know how much it would reduce
future illegal immigration…
First, strong
penalties against US employers who knowingly hire illegal immigrants…
3* Increasing the
number of border patrol agents along the Mexican border…
4* Making English
the official language of the United States…
5* Building a wall
along the US-Mexican border…
Allowing more guest workers to temporarily live in the United States before
returning home…
7* Strong penalties
against landlords who knowingly rent to illegal immigrants…
8* Limiting or
ending automatic U.S. citizenship for children born to illegal immigrants in
the United States…
9 * Ending all
federal funding to so-called sanctuary cities…
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence