Questions - Zimmerman and Stand Your Ground - July 17-18, 2013
45% Favor Stand Your Ground Laws, 32% Oppose
32% Have Favorable Opinion of Zimmerman, 48% Unfavorable
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Survey of 1,000 Adults
Conducted July 17-18, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed recent news reports
about the George Zimmerman trial in Florida?
2* On Saturday, a jury found Zimmerman not guilty of
murder in the shooting death of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin. Do you agree
or disagree with the jury’s verdict?
3* (Asked of 437 Adults Who Agree with Verdict) Okay,
some believe that Zimmerman was found not guilty because he was innocent and
acting in self-defense. Others say that he was not guilty because neither side could prove what really happened and in America
you are innocent until proven guilty. Which of those perspectives is closer to
your own view?
4* Do you have a very favorable, somewhat favorable,
somewhat unfavorable or very unfavorable impression of George Zimmerman?
5* More than 30 states now have what are called “stand
your ground” laws which says those who feel unlawfully threatened can defend
themselves with deadly force if necessary and are not legally required to try
to get away first. Does your state have a “stand your ground” law?
6* Do you favor or oppose having a “stand your ground”
law in your state?
7* Do “stand your ground” laws improve public safety, or
do they undermine public safety? Or do they have no real impact?
8* Do you or anyone in your household own a gun?
9* In political terms, do you
consider yourself very conservative, somewhat conservative, moderate, somewhat
liberal, or very liberal?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error,
+/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence