Questions - Establishment Rules - July 7-8, 2013
Most Americans Think Campus Groups Can Set Requirements For Their Officers
85% Think Christian Photographer Has Right to Turn Down Same-Sex Wedding Job
Platinum Page
National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted July 7-8, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Suppose the
owner of a bar in a college town wants to avoid some of the problems associated
with college and under-age drinking. Should the owner of that bar have the
right to allow only people 25 and older into that bar?
2* Suppose the
owner of a bar wants to attract more women customers. Should the owner of that
bar have the right to set special happy hour deals that let women buy drinks at
half price?
3* Suppose a
landlord wants to create a certain community atmosphere. Should the landlord
have the right to rent only to people 55 and older?
4* Many colleges
and universities have clubs for different groups and organizations. Should a
Christian organization on campus be allowed to require that all officers of the
club be Christian?
5* Should a gay and
lesbian organization on campus be allowed to require that all officers of the
club support equal rights for gays and lesbians?
6* Suppose a
Christian wedding photographer has deeply held religious beliefs opposing
same-sex marriage. If asked to work a same-sex wedding ceremony, should that
wedding photographer have the right to say no?
7* Suppose an
atheist runs a restaurant and sincerely opposes Christian beliefs. Should that
restaurant owner have the right to refuse service to customers with “Jesus
Saves” t-shirts?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence