Questions - Health Care State Options - July 14-15, 2011
56% Think Competing State Standards More Likely to Lower Health Care Costs
69% Think Competition Between Health Insurers Better for Consumers Than More Government Regulation
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National Survey of 1,000 Likely
Conducted July 14-15, 2011
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Suppose
the cost of health care services were brought under control. What would happen
if the price of health care services went down? Would people spend less on health
care or would they buy more health care services?
2* Should
employers and individuals buying health insurance be allowed to buy insurance
plans across state lines? Or, should they only be allowed to buy plans approved
for their state?
3* Anti-trust laws are intended to
prevent companies and other business entities from working together in ways
that limit competition. For more than 100 years, health insurance companies
have been exempt from anti-trust laws. Should the law be changed so that health
insurance companies are subject to anti-trust regulations?
4* What would do more to reduce
health care costs—more free market competition between insurance companies or
more government regulation?
5* Okay, What would do more to
reduce health care costs—having the federal government establish a single set
of standards and regulations for health care or letting states compete to
determine the most effective standards and guidelines?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence