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Questions - Islam - January 11-12, 2015



Platinum Pages


National Presidential Tracking Survey

Conducted January 11-12, 2015

Survey of 800 Likely Voters


1* The Muslim president of Egypt is calling for a revolution in his religion, saying that some of its beliefs have made it “a source of worry, fear, danger, murder and destruction to all the world.” Do you agree or disagree that Islamic religious leaders need to do more to emphasize the peaceful beliefs of their faith?


2* Does Islam as practiced today encourage violence more than most other religions?


3* Is there a global conflict in the world today between Western Civilization and Islam?


4* Do most Muslims around the world view the United States as an enemy?


5* Do most Americans view Muslims worldwide as an enemy?


NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence