Questions - Guantanamo Bay - January 15-16, 2015
Voters Strongly Suspect Released Gitmo Prisoners Will Attack U.S. Again
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Platinum Page
National Survey of 800
Likely Voters
Conducted January 15-16, 2015
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have you followed recent news
reports about suspected terrorists being released from the U.S. prison camp at
the Guantanamo Naval Base in Cuba?
Is the United States safer today because of the
imprisonment of suspected terrorists at the Guantanamo prison camp?
Should the Guantanamo prison camp be closed?
The Obama administration has been releasing suspected terrorists held at the
Guantanamo prison camp to their home countries. How concerned are you that
dangerous terrorists will be set free?
How likely is it that many of the prisoners released from the Guantanamo prison
camp will return to terrorist activities against the United States and its
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence