Questions - Free Commuity College - January 9-10, 2015
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National Presidential
Tracking Survey
Conducted January
9-10, 2015
Survey of 800 Likely
How closely have you followed recent news reports about a new college-related
proposal by President Obama?
2* The
president has proposed a new government program that would make community
college tuition-free for millions of students. Do you favor or oppose such a
3* The Obama administration has yet to say how much
the program will cost or how it will be funded. Are you willing to pay more in
taxes so that millions of Americans can attend community college tuition-free?
4* Does the
federal government have a responsibility to make sure that more Americans go to
5* Should the government make college tuition-free for every
student in America who wants to go?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3.5 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence