Questions - Gun Control - February 7-8, 2013
59% Still Think Tougher Gun Control Laws Likely
22% See More Gun Control As Best Curb to Mass Murders
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National Survey of
1,000 Adults
Conducted February 7-8, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
Does the United States need stricter gun control laws?
Will stricter gun control laws increase violent crime, decrease violent crime
or have no impact on violent crime?
3* How
would you rate the Obama administration’s response to the elementary school
shooting in Connecticut in December?
4* How
likely is it that Congress and the president will create tougher gun control
there be a ban on the purchase of semi-automatic and assault type weapons?
Would posting an armed security guard in every school make schools more safe or
less safe?
7* What will do the most to reduce the number of mass
murders like the school shootings in Connecticut — stricter gun control laws,
more action to treat mental health issues, or limits on violent movies and
video games?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence