Questions - Suing Obama Over Immigration Policy - December 5-6, 2014
Voters Say Obama Shouldn’t Act on Immigration Without Congress
To Sue or Not To Sue Over Obama’s Immigration Plan
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National Survey of
1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted December 5-6, 2014
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How closely have
you followed recent news reports about President Obama’s new immigration plan?
2* Seventeen
states are suing the Obama administration over the president’s decision to
exempt up to five million illegal immigrants from deportation. Would you favor
or oppose your state suing the administration over this new immigration policy?
3* If a state believes that the federal government is not
enforcing the current immigration laws, should that state have the right to
enforce the laws on its own?
4* Which is more important to
President Obama – preventing further illegal immigration or making it easier
for illegal immigrants to become U.S. citizens? Or does he consider the two of
equal importance?
5* When
it comes to immigration, should President Obama take action alone if Congress
does not approve the initiatives he has proposed or should the government do
only what the president and Congress agree on?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence