Questions - Deportation and Immigration - December 8-9, 2013
60% Think U.S. Not Aggressive Enough In Deporting Illegal Immigrants
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Survey of 1,000 Likely U.S. Voters
Conducted December 8-9, 2013
By Rasmussen Reports
1* Millions of people entered the
United States legally but stayed longer than their visas allowed. Should the
federal government find these people and make them leave the country?
2* Is the U.S. government too aggressive or not aggressive enough in
deporting those who are in this country illegally? Or is the number of
deportations about right?
3* Should the government stop deporting
illegal immigrants until Congress passes a comprehensive immigration reform
4* Should those who are now in this country illegally be granted legal
status right away or should that come only after the border is secured?
5* How concerned are you that
efforts to identify and deport illegal immigrants will also end up violating
the civil rights of some U.S. citizens?
Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of