Toplines - Presidential Election - December 28-29, 2007
Presidential Election
Survey of 800 Likely Voters
December 28-29, 2007
1* Which of the following candidates would you most
like to see elected President in 2008? Hillary Clinton, John
McCain, Barack Obama, Mitt
Romney, John Edwards, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Huckabee or
Fred Thompson?
29% Hillary Clinton
15% Barack
12% John McCain
11% John Edwards
8% Mitt Romney
7% Mike
7% Fred Thompson
5% Rudy Giuliani
6% Not sure
2* Regardless of who you would like to see win,
which of those candidates is most likely to be elected President in 2008?
30% Hillary Clinton
12% John McCain
11% Barack
7% Rudy Giuliani
6% Mitt Romney
6% Mike Huckabee
5% John Edwards
3% Fred Thompson
18% Not sure
3* Which of the Democratic candidates is most likely
to be nominated?
54% Hillary Clinton
20% Barack Obama
13% John Edwards
3% Some other
9% Not sure
4* Which of the Republican candidates is most likely
to be nominated?
30% John McCain
16% Mitt Romney
16% Rudy Giuliani
14% Mike Huckabee
3% Fred Thompson
5% Some other
17% Not sure
5* Will Election 2008 be as close as the last
couple of elections?
52% Yes
33% No
15% Not sure
NOTE: Margin of Sampling Error, +/- 3
percentage points with a 95% level of confidence