Questions - Newspapers and the Internet - August 6-7, 2013
31% Think Internet Has Had Bad Influence on U.S. Politics
24% Buy Print Copy of Their Local Paper Daily or Nearly Every Day
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National Survey of 1,000
Conducted August 6-7,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* How often do
you buy a print version of your local newspaper – rarely or never, once a week
or less, several times a week, or every day or nearly every day?
2* Which do you prefer—reading a printed version of the
newspaper or reading an online version of the newspaper?
How often do you go online and use the Internet- rarely or never, once a week
or less, several times a week, or every day or nearly every day?
4* How reliable is the reporting from your local
5* How reliable is the reporting from Internet news
If many newspapers go out of business, how confident are you that online and
other news sources will make up the difference and report on things that people
want to know about?
7* Has the Internet’s impact on journalism been good for
the nation, bad for the nation or neither?
8* Has the Internet’s impact on American culture been
good for the nation, bad for the nation or neither?
9* Has the Internet’s impact on American politics been
good for the nation, bad for the nation or neither?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence