Questions - Open Convention - April 8-9, 2020
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National Survey of
1,000 U.S. Likely Voters
Conducted April 8-9,
By Rasmussen Reports
1* At least 15 states have now postponed their presidential primaries because of the coronavirus outbreak. Given the uncertainty caused by the primary delays, should the Democrats continue to rely on the primary results, or should they hold an open convention to determine whom they will nominate?
2* How likely is it that the Democrats will hold an open convention to choose their presidential nominee - very likely, somewhat likely, not very likely or not at all likely?
3* In the event that the Democrats opt for an open convention, how likely is it that they will still choose Joe Biden to be their presidential nominee in 2020?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence