Questions - Political Ideology - April 5-6, 2015
Most Voters Expect Both Parties to Pick Presidential Candidates They Don’t Agree With
Voters Rate Obama, GOP Congress As Harmful to Presidential Nominees
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National Survey of
1,000 Likely Voters
Conducted April 5-6,
By Rasmussen Reports
How closely have you followed recent news reports about people thinking about
running for president in 2016?
In past elections, has the Republican presidential
candidate been more liberal or more conservative than you are? Or have his
views been about the same as yours?
In past elections, has the Democratic presidential
candidate been more liberal or more conservative than you are? Or have his
views been about the same as yours?
Looking ahead to 2016, is the Republican presidential candidate likely to be
more liberal or more conservative than you are? Or are the GOP candidate's
views likely to be about the same as yours?
Looking ahead to 2016, is the Democratic presidential candidate likely to be
more liberal or more conservative than you are? Or are the Democratic
candidate's views likely to be about the same as yours?
Will President Obama’s record in office help or hurt the next Democratic
presidential candidate? Or will it have no impact?
Will the Republican Congress’ record in office help or hurt the next GOP
presidential candidate? Or will it have no impact?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence