Questions - State Governments - April 24-25, 2014
35% Say Their State Government is Too Big
36% Think Federal Government Owns Too Much of America
See Toplines
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National Survey of 1,000
American Adults
Conducted April 24-25,
By Rasmussen Reports
How would you rate the job performance of your
state government?
2* Is your state government too big or too small? Or is the
size about right?
3* Is the budget situation in your state better than it was a
year ago or worse than it was year ago?
4* Has your state raised taxes or cut taxes in the last
several years? Or have state taxes stayed about the same?
5* To help reduce state spending, would you favor or oppose a
10% pay cut for all state employees?
Generally speaking, what level of government
do you trust the most?
7* The
federal government owns 28 percent of the land in the United States. Does the
federal government own too much of the land in the United States or not enough?
Or is the amount of the land owned by the federal government about right?
8* Would
it be good or bad if the federal government turned over most of the land it
owns to state and local governments? Or would it make no difference?
9* Should the government sell some of the land it owns to
reduce the federal debt?
NOTE: Margin of Sampling
Error, +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence